❤ January 27, 2012 – April 6, 2015 ❤

Posts tagged ‘board’

FV’s Anniversary and Fantage Cosmic Crest

Thank you for the Happy Anniversary wishes in the comments and the other blog posts as well!

The Cosmic Crest update has been posted, just scroll down

Blog Anniversary

Fantageville is now 2 years old! xD Thanks for the happy wishes, WordPress!


Turkey Trouble

Item Carts

Limited Item cart at Downtown and Uptown, no nonmember items

Guardian items at Uptown and Downtown, still no nonmember items

ID Fone items released (not part of the event) at Uptown and Downtown

3 Mini Games

Go to the Turkey Barn first, by clicking on this guy at Downtown, right of the Star Cafe (or, you can go to Pet Town)

Click on each Turkey for a different game!

If you bought these items from the Guardian Items cart, you can activate the bonuses.

These are NOT required to earn the free prize.

How many points do you need to get the prize?

Turkey Run: 800

Cranberry Saucer: 500

Pie Maker: 600

These will pop up after the game once you have scored the minimum or higher

Turkey Run

Click and HOLD your mouse, the turkey will fly longer. It will fall back down after about 1 second.

Do NOT jump over these pets, just stay on the ground:

If you bought the bonus, once you touch a golden bird, you will be able to ram everything out of your way for about 5 seconds

Cranberry Saucer

Move your mouse left and right to stack the cranberry sauce, don’t let it fall!

Pie Maker

Follow this guide to make the pies. Just make as many pies as you can!

You MUST put the toppings in the correct order, so I have numbered them. For example, to make pumpkin pie, add crsut first, then the brown gloppy stuff xD then the whipped cream.

If you bought the bonus, once you get a BONUS crust, each filling you catch will spit out a whole pie!

Where is the secret place?

Right here! Click on it!

Make sure to click on this to get your FREE GIFT!


Also, there is a map in the back that shows the location of all the turkeys! How sneaky 😛

Where are the turkeys? How do I trap them?

Click on this button on the left of the screen to set a trap

Place your trap anywhere on the screen and wait for a turkey to walk underneath it.

If you catch a random animal (e.g. skunk, raccoon, porcupine), you will get a small prize, such as:

,, stickers, stars

Just wait 20 seconds for your trap to reset, and play again!

*CHEAT#1As we saw from the map hidden in the secret room, the turkeys will only be found at the inside Sunblock at the beach, the Cruise Ship, the Carnival, Mt. Fantage, and the Forest. Each location will have a turkey!

*CHEAT #2: Set your trap near one of these items!


If you follow these cheats, you will be GUARANTEED to catch a turkey within 2 tries.

Look, there’s a turkey!

Once you catch one, this will pop up, and it will be returned to its nest in the barn.


Try out all 5 places. You have to find 5 turkeys total.

Still not quite sure what happens after you find them all…

Chez Fantage New Stuff

Go to Sea Breeze cruise ship and go inside the restaurant. Click here for the post on how to order food

There are new waiter/waitress outfits too! Members only :[

To buy them, click on PLAY on the top right when you are inside Chez Fantage


Once you have done everything that I have posted about, you will have gotten all the stamps. Here’s the medal, for nonmembers and members, yay!