❤ January 27, 2012 – April 6, 2015 ❤

Fantage Funhouse Frenzy


This is a nice, short event for those of you who are extremely busy.

Limited Item Cart

The items marked with the Premium Member star can be bought with stars or gold, they are member items. The rest can be bought with gold only and are nonmember items.


Daily Stamps

I remember some of the older events used to have a “stampbook,” where you get stamps for doing tasks such as watching the event movie, playing the mini game, and doing the activity. And you got a level 10 medal for completing the stamp book, which was awesome.

I don’t know why they stopped doing that, but this is somewhat similar. You get a stamp for going to the Beach each day. Every other day, you get an item prize.


I’m not sure whether you have to log in for 5 days straight, or just on any 5 days during the event. I’m still on my first day since I didn’t log on yesterday.

The hair looks cool though, I wonder what color it is?

Funhouse Mirrors

If you go left at the beach, there’s a “hall of mirrors” you can see to distort your Fantagian.


No prizes or anything, just for fun. And the effect only lasts if you’re standing in front of the mirror 🙂

Reflection + Suggestions

No doubt, this event is really underdeveloped, so it’s more than likely that the workers were forced to create an event within a short period of time.

Let’s just be content with the free prizes you can get for doing absolutely nothing 🙂

My low rating is because of the lack of excitement and stuff to do, but I’m actually OK with it personally because I’m really busy right now.


Other Small Updates

The Fantage maintenence thing was yesterday, but I haven’t really noticed anything different. How about you?

Also, there’s an End of Summer sale Limited Item cart. I feel like they just randomly stuck this in so we would spend our gold…


Comments on: "Fantage Funhouse Frenzy" (44)

  1. FIRST LIKER! Yes I had to do that lol sorry..


  2. chloe123367 said:

    I saw u moomoo I’m chloe123367 can u add me


  3. Derpyoreos said:

    I’m pnly going to do it for the hair. It looks cool and i am able to do it cuz of a 4 day weekend 🙂 the event itself is very lame. Also ecoins are being neglected. Now limited items are gold and stars. Fantage just went down the step they took when they made fashion battle.




  5. Susan Peytonatorღ said:

    You can just log in any 5 days of the event 🙂


  6. ♥§♥fairycari♥§♥ said:

    For the items you can only get with gold, the tab thing works again!
    As in the video you showed us on the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ post this year


  7. I’m guessing The Cool Hair is going to be red hair (orange) 🙂


  8. There’s no ‘red words’ anymore.


  9. Princess moomoo, I have a new blog and NOBODY goes on it. I have a new cheat about clones! 🙂 It shows you how to clone yourself on fantage. Can you please help me advertise? I just want to help people SO BADLY. You or Angela can use the link in my comment to see my post on clones for your blog. Moomoo, how is school? Angela, what’s up? cutiecake<3


  10. Also in the Funhouse, there is a conveyor belt on the right (the “WELCOME” sign) that zooms you from side to side.


  11. MooMoo,
    The hair is going to be brown (and it locks really…sophisticated, comepletely the opposite of the event O.O)…..


  12. hanna24678 on fantage said:

    I saw u on fantage right before u posted this!!!!!!!


  13. Did anyone notice there’s nothing in Vintage Gold today?. Are fantage too lazy to put items up? , or are they forgetful?…


  14. MOOMOO!!!
    Vintage Gold has no items anymore!! they all dissappeared! Is it the end of vintage???


  15. Hi fantageville! Im worried because i saw at Vintage Gold NOTHING pls Fantage dont close FOREVER! I love fantage and pls support to not close it! If fantage close it I can only go on fantage comet application for tablet! 😦


  16. just wondering…how come ur a guy in the photos? lol XP


  17. Sophiarocks21 said:

    I saw someone with the prize hair yesterday. How did they even get that??? I’t’s not the 5th day yet. Oh yeah, and Angela i thought the voting process of the 4th task in the FV games was meant to start on the 22nd….and now it’s the 1st of September.


  18. Sophiarocks21 said:

    Omg. I just realized that red chat is gone!!! If you type something in like “hobo” (that normally goes red) it will show, but no one else will see it. And what happened to vintage gold? Nothing is in there, I thought it was just my computer.


  19. The hair for stamps is brown I know this for a fact because at photo booth you can look for hairs, I searched hairs,august,2014, and it shows the hair, named “Chic hair” and looks nice but needs more hair on the bangs 😉


  20. Can I post this on my blog, but say that u wrote it because I can’t go on fantage cuz I’m banned?


  21. Oh I forgot can u guys get back 2 me plz when your gone ?


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