❤ January 27, 2012 – April 6, 2015 ❤

Holiday Blowout 2013

Part 3 has been posted, scroll all the way down! Thank you for posting, Angela!

Part 1


Tree Lighting

Christmas tree is at Mt. Fantage.


Dress in either Red, Yellow, or Blue to change the color of the ornaments on the tree! The color that people are wearing most will decide the color.


The more important part of the tree that people actually care about (haha) is the free tickets that come spilling out every 60 seconds.

Check the sign to see when it will come. If it says “Soon” you will have to wait at most 60 seconds. Once it gets down to 5 seconds, it will start the countdown.


The tickets are completely SEPARATE from the colors. You will get tickets even if you didn’t dress in any of the colors. In fact, I just dressed in black/grey to test it out, and I still got tickets. What’s more, you get a Christmas tree with yellow, red, AND blue ornaments!


Once the countdown gets to zero, nonmembers get 30 tickets, and Members get 60. You don’t need to click on the tickets to collect them, they will fly to the counter at the top by themselves.


TIP: This is the fastest way to get tickets, just leave your Fantagian at Mt. Fantage and do something else.

Remember to go to the Ticket Booth at the Carnival for prizes! You can also click the little ticket button on the top of the screen to get there quickly.


Santa’s Cottage

I don’t know why this was put in Part 1 of the event, it will not be released until Part 3.

Visit the Cottage at Mt. Fantage on December 25 for a free prize!  The picture below was Santa’s Cabin from last year ;3


The gift has been released now, you will get a free Christmas tee! Also, I notice now that there is a new inventory symbol, the little present/gift thing. Maybe this is a new category of items, such as the limited, rare, and luxury symbols?



You can send any of the 4 presents in the picture below to people around you, or to your friends!

To send a gift, click on the GIFT button on the top of the page.


Choose a present, then choose a person to give it to. You can send it to buddies (they don’t have to be online) or people around you.


All gifts cost only 50 stars!

If someone has sent you a gift, you will receive a notification at the top of the screen, and the item will automatically be in your inventory.

REMEMBER: The frozen lake gift and the cookies/milk gift are FURNITURE! Go to your home and click the edit button to add them. They are NOT boards.

You can use some of the accounts on our Nonmember Accounts page to send yourself a gift xD You can only own one each of the clothes, but you can own as many of the furniture as you want.


Earlier, I mentioned that I deleted all of my buddies because someone kept on invading my farm and harvesting all my lilacs. However, thanks to the information that xxhemi provided in the comments, I’ve found out that they weren’t stealing EXP or stars at all, they were automatically added into my counter! (See the Fantage Farm post for more details, updates are in a green sticky note like this one)

I will be adding people again! I deleted all my buddies also because half the people on there I don’t even know or probably don’t play Fantage anymore, so it’s a good way to start off fresh. If you would like to add me, just try and find me on Fantage, and I will add you! (I do not make appointments)

Blizzy Pet

You can buy the blizzy pet again, at Downtown or Pet Town.


Members can buy the egg for 200 stars, nonmembers can buy the cheapest Magic Code with ecoins. (Click here for more info on buying pets for Nonmembers). Members, if you’re buying the egg, put the settings to Medium light and Cool heat for fastest results.

If you already own Blizzy, or your pet has hatched, you can get a free prize. Again, click on the Egg stand at Downtown/Pet Town.


The Polar Express

You can wait for the Polar Express to come at Downtown, but there really isn’t anything to do on it. You just get to go to places on the map.



Part 2


Remember to pick up your free gift in Santa’s Cottage at Mt. Fantage! Scroll up to the Santa’s Cottage section of this post for more details.


(This group game was originally called “Shadowbot” but was changed to “Shadowboss” for some reason)

To play, go to the Carnival and click on the group-game hut, as usual

Shadow1 Shadow2

Once the game starts, you will transform into a cool snowball-throwing costume!


Targets will appear on the Shadowboss’  body! There are yellow, blue, and red targets, each worth different points:


Click on the targets before they fade!


Keep your eye on the Shadowboss’ life meter, you have to defeat it before his disgusting black spit-balls destroy the snow castle on the left!


If your castle gets destroyed before you defeat the Shadowboss, then it’s game over.


If you defeat the Shadowboss first, then everyone that helped will get tickets! For nonmembers, your score at the end is the number of tickets you will get. For members, your score times 2 is the number of tickets you will get.

This is not a game that you can just leave your Fantagian in and get tickets, because if you don’t help, you will get 0 tickets.

On the other hand, the 3 people who hit the Shadowboss the most (the MVP’s, or Most Valuable Players) will get at most 20 bonus tickets.


TIP: Full servers will have more people playing, meaning the boss will be defeated quicker. This also means that you will get less tickets, since you won’t be able to hit it as many times. A lot of people playing isn’t necessarily a good thing if you want tickets. Of course, you have to be a fast clicker if you want to work alone.

ANOTHER TIP: I’m pretty sure you can get tickets a LOT easier by going to the Christmas tree.

Tower Climb

Go to the Castle Bridge to play.


Instructions are really simple, so I won’t bore you with more words… Again, you can probably get tickets a lot faster/easier by doing the Christmas tree thing.



Part 3


Ball Drop

Well this is pretty straight forward, so there is a ball drop at the Castle as there is every year.

ball drop


The Elf is at Mt. Fantage. If you start hearing Christmas music or some sort, then that means the elf is coming.

elf 2

It’s really tiny. Each time you click on it, you get 1 ticket for nonmembers and 2 tickets for premium members. It’s pretty slow, so you can click it multiple times. This is not the elf in Santa’s Cottage, it is way smaller and it is outside.

Happy 2014! We look forward to another fabulous year with all you viewers!

Comments on: "Holiday Blowout 2013" (118)

  1. Got questions about this event? Hold ’em until the post has been released! I won’t be online until tomorrow, so it won’t get moderated anyway.
    Also, it will most likely be answered in the post, once I’ve released it!


  2. Good luck!(:


  3. I am so sorry in advance for what my bff did! He reported you to wordpress. I can’t name names, but I am praying for your blog AND your English final.

    Good luck Moomoo! Good luck Casey!

    ~april (fellow blogger)


  4. You haven’t finished already? We finished last week….. Prolly cause we live in different places.. Are you in 11th?or 12th


  5. ρяιη¢єѕѕ_ѕтαяℓιηg said:

    I figured I could add a couple tips since you haven’t posted yet.

    Here’s a cheat for the Christmas tree lighting: just stand there in red, yellow, or blue outfits, and you get free tickets! In my opinion, the limited items don’t look very nice, so I didn’t buy them (plus I didn’t have enough stars. I’m broke!).
    -ρяιη¢єѕѕ_ѕтαяℓιηg 😎


    • Actually, I tested it out, you don’t even need to dress, I think, they just come out.
      Or maybe because I’m already wearing some blue/red right now…
      Well, I’m just leaving my Fantagian there while I study, I’m at…2,280 tickets lol


  6. ρяιη¢єѕѕ_ѕтαяℓιηg said:

    Wow I guess that make’s sense. I was on my friend’s account and I left her Fantagian there while I listened to music and she got 200 tickets while I was gone and she wasn’t wearing ANY blue or red.


  7. ρяιη¢єѕѕ_ѕтαяℓιηg said:

    nope, nothing.


  8. Good luck on your English!


  9. ~αѕнℓα~ said:

    Good luck on your English Final! I have English midterms tomorrow too 😦


  10. Wait you have homework? My school ended a week ago, usually in the last two weeks the teachers dont give homework..I feel really sorry for you!


  11. Hi Princess Moo Moo,
    For some reason, the bot isn’t kicking for cuss words right now… do you know why?


  12. Yesterday, I saw you in Mt. Fantage in one of the servers, and I saw your name on the list, so why not give you a gift? But then I saw that you weren’t my friend anymore.. and I was like, WOAH, WAIT. Then I saw this post, so it’s all good now.

    I still gave you that ice furniture, but I said it was a board so.. you might have gotten confused.. sorry. xD I didn’t even notice it was furniture.. it looked like a board.

    So.. yeah, just wanted to say that.



  13. moomoo can u help me get people to come to my holiday party? heres the details: Fantasticage & Fantageville Holiday Party 2013!

    Day: 12/21/13
    Time: All day!
    Super guests: All my fans who can make it! And I will arrive sometime soon!
    Server: Lilac Lemur
    Gifts that day: Santa’s cookies & Teddybears
    YouTube: Yes
    Blog updates: Yes
    Theme: Santa Claus
    Dress code: anything red, and anything from holiday parties
    Exclusively for Fantasticage?: No. All are welcome.
    Reserved: No other users may enter if choose
    Area: Mt.Fantage

    Just put this in a post and give me some credit for it also.

    I can easily change the date if u need me to so yeah hurry to reply!

    April~ from Fantasticage


  14. 😦 GAH You deleted EVERYONE (except 17 people)! I was on your buddy list and you’re not there anymore 😦 Anyways, you know that anonomous email about the Ville Bills? That was MOI 🙂 HEHEHEHE


  15. Melody Park said:

    awwwe TnT u deleted ur buddies!!!!! waaah i was on ur buddy list… nuuuuuuuuuuu. j Aj i hope ur lilac theif feels guilty. -3- someones gonna be on Santa’s naughty list this year~~~ lol *dramatic voice* i’ll miss youuu XD.


  16. I saw you yesterday and totally freaked I took a screen shot and everything! But I understand now why you didn’t say anything when I said I love your blog.I was a little upset at first but now I get it.


  17. @princess_moomoo “Oh, and speaking of buddies. I deleted all of mine yesterday, because someone keeps on coming into my farm and harvesting ALL of my lilacs. Like, seriously, you can get suns so many different ways, and that person decided to steal my lilacs and EXP just so I won’t get them. I know it was someone on my buddy list, because my house is locked for everyone.”

    You actually get XPs and stars even if your friends harvested your crops. They can’t steal your XPS as I had harvested many of my friends’ and the XPs and stars only goes to their ‘bank’. The only benefit for your friends is the sunlight energy while you don’t have to waste your sun energy on harvesting those lilacs. Hope this help!
    Reason I know: Use my back up to harvest my crops.


    • Also congrats on being over level 34 or 34! 😀


      • Oh no laaawl I just bought them.
        Foreverball asked me this on ask.fm, it makes more sense to buy them with ecoins. Because the highest level for the medal is 35. You unlock lilacs at 34, which is a waste, you only have 1 level left. It would take forever to get to 34 anyway without lilacs.
        I recommend this only if you have a bunch of ecoins.
        Hope this helped you!


    • Oh, I thought nobody gets the EXP? That’s interesting! I never thought of that, I’ll do some experimenting myself.
      Thanks! I’ll add people back now xD
      It wasn’t just the crop problem and the stalking problem too, half the people I don’t even know anymore, they probably don’t even play Fantage. I just wanted to start fresh 🙂
      Thanks again!


      • superstargirl1 said:

        I was really sad when I saw you deleted me ): I thought you knew that if someone harvests your crops that the money transfers to you? I normally look at your ID phone if I wanna use you in something Im doing ETC a fan made banner… Now i cant get you D: And I wanted to make on for your FV birthday in 6 days ):? Awh i was really looking forward to it


      • If you find me, I will be happy to add you again!


      • superstargirl1 said:

        Great! I’ve been looking but I can’t find you. Like I said, I normally do look at peoples ID phones to incorporate them into pictures I make. But, I wanted yours in particular because your blog’s birthday’s coming up!


  18. why don’t you plant orange trees instead of lilacs?


  19. Ahhhhh, it’s Winter Break, finally, no … more … tests.


    • Ikr, it’s about time.


      • Yeah lol, I’m really looking forward to Christmas! We don’t do tests anyway because I’m a young age. (not gonna say what age 😉 )


      • My winter break sucks 😦 We have to do a report on a book, do an outline for the science fair, and we have the spelling bee right after we get back (I’m actually looking forward to it 😛 ) And I’m still in elementary school!! Well, my last year of elementary school, anyway.



      • jadeallstar said:

        Rosnita, I feel sad for you. Verrrrry sad for you indeed. but I have to do this thing for MY science project and I forgot what it was soooo, I’m not doing it i guess xP. And it’s not due till January 10 sooooo, yeah. heheheh. But hey, a book report is easy (usually), depending on what the book is….— OMG I JUST REMEMBEREBD I HAVE TO FIND A BIOGRAPHY/AUTOBIOGRAPHY O.O well, I don’t really care for that either cuz I’m going to the library tomorrow anyway… bye…


  20. Really helps! How many times did you wait at that tree you have so many tickets!


  21. ρяιη¢єѕѕ_ѕтαяℓιηg said:

    I’m the same person on ask.fm who asks you tons of questions and only spammed your inbox twice with useless things. 😛


  22. ρяιη¢єѕѕ_ѕтαяℓιηg said:

    Okay my last comment was kinda useless, but I posted it anyway


  23. Logged on Fantage for the first time in MONTHS, and I forgot how to do everything. It literally took me five minutes to figure out I didn’t have to move using arrow keys.


  24. My bday is today! Can u get me sonething?!?!


  25. Haii I’m alicake3! You remember me? You were my buddy. Do you mind adding me again? I know you don’t do appointments. xD you don’t need to add me again of your don’t want to. Thanks again! ❤


  26. haileyginger01 said:

    Today is my bday and no one cares ugh


  27. Rainbow_pancakes...RvOvCvK!!! T.T said:

    Princess moomoo can i add u? Is that ok? If yes!,then what server


  28. Interesting…I’ve seen u on Fantage like 10 times. I try to add u, but either you’re on “brb,” or you’re buddy list is full. Next time u see me, can u add me? My user is skyfall00. Thanks! 😉


  29. Hey princess_moomoo, when are you Gonna be online on Fantage?

    I wanna meet and add you as one of my buddies (if it’s okay with you).

    And by the way, you’re awesome!

    Your posts are just so neat and tidy!

    I once had a blog, but I deleted it BY ACCIDENT!

    The story is… I was trying to go to my dashboard and edit all my features but then my computer started glitching and I accidentally clicked the “delete blog” button and all of that.

    In the end, my blog was deleted so I was crying all night (even in my sleep) and so the day after that, my mom bought me a website, it’s all about Fantage, daily life, and stuff like that.

    I’m still sad though, I could tell you the link to my site when I’m ready to let an awesome blogger like you see it.

    Geez, but, I can’t believe that it’s been 1 month since my blog was gone…

    Oh, and, I’ve read all the comments in each and every post and page on this blog and I’ve realized that so many people want to add you as their buddy or something and you’ve responded to all those comments telling them to find you on xat and whatever but, I don’t think you see what they meant, because I think they meant that they wanted to add you as their buddy ON FANTAGE, NOT ON XAT.

    But anyways, this is just an awesome blog, I visit it everyday (I even bookmark your blog), you seriously do not copy, I mean, I’ve never seen anything like your posts in any other blog before but, you do have copiers…

    I forgot their names but one owns a blog called “fantagevillie” (I think you’ve heard about her before, she even put you and your blog in her Hall of Shame page, a page which she also copied from you) and the other one owns a blog called “fantagevilla” (maybe you haven’t heard of her but, c’mon).

    I think that’s all I have to say for now (maybe not all but I should end this comment because I’m just wasting your time just for reading some long comment which makes no sense plus the fact that I’m getting tired of typing with my little 9 year old hands, I’m 9 by the way xD)

    I just want to thank you for spending some time in your life just for reading my comment, even though it was tiring (and maybe a little bit boring) to do, you still did it.



    • By accident? I’m pretty sure wordpress sends you an email notification first before deleting it, did you accidentally confirm the email too…?
      Thanks for visiting! I don’t make appointments, but if you run into me on Fantage, then I will be glad to add you.


      • Umm, I don’t think they sent me something because I didn’t confirm to any email which asked me to delete my blog, I would never do such a thing…

        I even thought that my blog didn’t get deleted because I didn’t even confirm any emails like the ones you mean (to be honest, I never confirm ANY emails people send me because I sometimes get too lazy to even read a single one xD) but when I opened the link, it said “fantagefairytale.wordpress.com is no longer available, the authors have deleted this site”…

        Bummer, right?

        That blog increased its views and popularity day by day until that day *sob sob*…

        If you would like to visit it (which would mean a lot to me but if you do, all you could read see is a couple of words saying “fantagefairytale.wordpress.com is no longer available, the authors have deleted this site”), just click one of the blog links in this comment 🙂

        The email thing is pretty weird though, isn’t it?


      • That’s highly suspicious, I don’t think it’s possible to “accidentally” delete a site. Did you have any other workers at the time?


  30. I’m your friend already I think. idk I will check soon!


  31. oh, you deleted me, too. “liaoyuqing”. haha, i don’t even do the farm thing anymore…i guess if i see you i’ll add you again. 😛


  32. Can you please save a slot for me? I was your buddy, but you deleted me 😦 I won’t be able to go on alot because I don’t have wifi so by the next time I go on, you’re probably gonna run out of slots.Thanks 🙂


  33. lol 🙂 It took me maybe 3 hours(and visiting Fantage every ten or so minutes to not time out) to win the medal..i just dressed in all 3 colors and they gave me tickets every time.


  34. The sticky notes are really helpful! The Yellow one caught my eye right away about the ticket thing, and I left my avatar alone at the Tree Lighting for hours while I did things and now have over 10,000 tickets! You’re the best :3


  35. I wish I could friend you MooMoo. 😦 i really like your blog. It’s really helpful 🙂 even when i don’t need help, i still look at your blog pretty much every day about 10 times, just to see if you posted more.


  36. I forgot to ask you something…

    Do you mind saving a space for me in your buddy list?

    Ooh, that would just be splendid 😀

    *does Fantage jump for all eternity*


  37. The username’s littleflower3214 by the way.

    I also saw you once way back in that Kawaii’s a Mermaid event.

    You were like, catching seahorses in the Underwater Tunnel.

    I am also terribly sorry for all these comments which wastes your time on just reading them and approving to them (or maybe even editing them), I just can’t help myself, this is an extremely awesome blog xD


  38. April_Theresa7897 said:

    I was on my friend’s account and my account at the same time! It was a bit laggy when I played the true lighting game thingy i only got 600 tickets because yesterday i went to a dance practice and man am i tired.well thank you for awesome tip btw MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! ~theresa 😀


  39. A million viewers.. That’s amazing. x3


  40. ρяιη¢єѕѕ_ѕтαяℓιηg said:

    Today, Santa came, and it’s pretty boring. All you get is a free top. Nothing much.


  41. Princess Moomoo, I can never find you on fantage. Which server do you go on the most? I really want to be your buddy.


  42. SunandRain3 said:

    Aww, so that’s why you’re not on my list anymore.. ): Well, at least you get to start out fresh.. and this is my first holiday blow out event, and I think it’s kind of boring.. /: There’s not much to do. The christmas tree top from santa was really cute, though, I think Fantage is getting a little boring, in my opinion.


  43. foreveralonercx said:

    How do you get that angel thing that carries you..?


  44. April_Theresa7897 said:

    Part 2 update?


  45. just sayin said:

    saw santa on the 26th. ” recieved” the gift, not in inventory.


  46. just sayin said:

    oh nevermind its a top not an outfit


  47. blue_jeans a.k.a scarlett_rose said:

    You havn’t posted about part 2 yet? It’s released.


  48. I have a tip for the people with left over tickets. If they have everything on the list, then they should use the tickets for the stars since there’s nothing else to do with the tickets.


  49. Snowy girl36 aka theresa7897 said:

    Thank you for posting part 2
    Ps do you like my name ? I will change it like for the season
    ~snowy girl36 aka theresa7897


  50. buddy123445 said:

    Hiya moomoo! I just wanna ask, since part two is on, will the stuff from part one still be there? just wanted to know


  51. i like last years christmas event more (:


  52. 1 question does santa only come on the 25 because he is not showing up on my screen 😦


  53. ρяιη¢єѕѕ_ѕтαяℓιηg said:

    I don’t know why Fantage even added all those extra games! I totally agree with you moomoo, the Christmas tree way is SO much faster. 🙄


  54. When I played shadow boss… I got to play alone. Nobody else was playing. I thought it was a “group” game… Hmm…. at least I earned the extra 60 I think tickets for being the only MVP.. I was in a super low server. 🙂


  55. melody park said:

    OMIGOSH im so happy ur adding people again!!!! j Aj now i have to find you again too lol. anyways… LETTUCE CELEBRATE. WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dances* *bumps table* *breaks lamp* oops…


  56. also, you dont even have to do anything, you can literally just stand there in a mix of all three colors and make sure you dont 15 minute time out. it’s the easiest thing ever.


Comment below! Please be nice!