❤ January 27, 2012 – April 6, 2015 ❤


Well this is a bit unfortunate.

I haven’t been on Fantage in a long time, and when I went on, most of my good stuff was gone. Like frisky, cc, stained glas shirt, super hero hair, gypsy hair, number 1 accessory, glowies, celebrity crowns, and lots more I can’t even count.

I think my password was too easy…

Well so here is what I need you to help me on.
Call Fantage, email fantage, contact them as much as possible for me on how casey_cow101 is hacked so I can get my stuff back.
The more we complain, the merrier.

Comments on: "Hacked…." (107)

  1. Will do! Sorry for you.


  2. Wow…and I thought someone hacking into my account and stealing my bunny nose was bad…. O.o


  3. Really? You haven’t been on in awhile? I saw you in the Trade and Sell a couple of days ago! Was it the hacker..? I’ll help, I’m sorry, it’s happened to me before too. :/



  4. emeralden said:

    Well I will once I get back my laptop next week(exams),change ur pass to a mixture o₣ aomething,ive been in fantage for years and no one hacked me


  5. :O I’LL DO IT RIGHT AWAY!!! So I just say like casey_cow101 is hacked? I mean…what should I say?


  6. I’m confused.Didn’t you quit fantage and you aid you sold a lot of your items.So there isn’t much to lose.And if you quit fantage,why would you need your items?I can still help you though. 🙂


  7. People these days >.<
    I'm going to contact Fantage, I hope you get your items back!


  8. omg, did u really get hacked?
    i feel sorry for u……


  9. idkwatidoing said:

    :O well that’s unfortunate…hackers are poopheads. nuff said xP


  10. KrazyCakes said:

    Okay I’ll try =P


  11. OMG!! You poor thing 😦 Being hacked would be HORRIBLE! Whenever someone says like “I can hack you and I will” and stuff like that I log out straight away because I get scared they will hack me and change my password straight away to something really hard. 😛 Hope your doing ok


  12. jensparkboom said:

    Awww poor you!


  13. Aww! That is so sad!


  14. dear casey,
    I think ur exaggerating a bit when you say they didn’t leave you anything good I looked at ur idfone and your wearing the st patricks day hair, bear slippers, earth day board and more


    • i would call that “bad” well thats not my BEST stuff and i pretty much only have that hair left yahhh


    • pups215 said:

      uhm, SHE GOT HACKED AND NO CC? NO FRISKY? NO GLOWS? AND MORE?!?!? I WOULD BE MAD AND THAT STUFF GREAT!!!!! Its her account. She has a right to be saying that’s bad. How would you like it if you were hacked!?!?!?


  15. Foreverball11 said:

    It’s okay. We will help! I could donate a few items to you if you want.


  16. Ohh… I’ll try to help and you can try to call fantage. They’ll probably have trading info and you can find out where all your items went. Did they take your movie star too? That would be really unfortunate. That hacker has no life -_-


    • well no i think someone scammed me for it earlier….


      • pups215 said:

        good luck casey! I hope you get your stuff back. I will contact fantage with my email. I sowwie for you


      • fantagepenguins said:

        Casey Just Make A Post About Things, That Might Scare The Hacker,
        Maybe The Hacker Might Pretend To Be 2 People,
        Check The IP Address,
        Plus, I’m Sure It Was Someone Who Goes On Your Blog,
        I Mean Think About It!
        Hope You Get Your Items Back!


  17. lunaravenue said:

    I will try to help you!


  18. Justme447 said:

    Good luck Casey on getting ur stuff back


  19. want my Bunny Nose?


  20. the1cow1says1moo said:

    …I got hacked (prom… omo) recently too. A lot of people did recently, from what I’ve heard. I emailed Fantage a ton of times, but got no reply. At all. Nothing. So I don’t know about you, but the best of luck!


  21. That’s really sad. I will complain right away! I wish that you can get your stuff back. Good Luck!


  22. Ashlynn said:

    WHAT?! ALL OF IT?! OMG!!! You had a lot of really rare stuff!!!


  23. Yea, I was hacked too but did not have stuff as good as yours i bet. I am SO sorry and yes I will contact and contact until they report me! Then I will get another account. It won’t stop!


  24. Good luck Casey,hackers never win.


  25. aww
    that sucks wish you luck!! I’ll try helping too!
    I feel soooo bad for you and you had nice items too
    anyway hope you get everything back!:)


  26. casey, since you were hacked, we could donate stuff. I know you already said to keep it, but im a expried mem and have cc. its no use, and if msh is gone(movie star hair) i want to contribute…


  27. Yeah I agree! When I got hacked, the good stuff is gone and when you ask fantage, u never ever get a reply…the only reply I got from Mimi’s dad was to try to get ur items back with your current items…


  28. jadeallstar said:



  29. fantagia101 said:

    I don’t know if you want it but i hav Blonde Braids up for trade and i never EVER use them so if you want you can hav them. I dont really like the so yeah lol.


  30. Hermione24 said:

    I immediately contacted Fantage, Casey! It really sucks when you lose something… especially when somebody stole it!

    If anybody else also wants to contact them by e-mail, be sure to use proper grammar, spelling and use the best vocab possible. They’ll most likely take you seriously.

    Hackers, please get a life.


  31. Casey Take my leopard board. Its rare! I don’t want it. Really. I want you to take it!


    • no no keep it!


      • Please take all my items I used to be a member, I quit fantage cuz my computer broke so please keep my stuff …. Also you can have my account even if you say no keep it I will comment the password and username to my account (but please don’t show the password to other people


  32. Pannda_27 said:

    wish u best of luck! i hope u get ur stuff back!
    wat kind of person would do this to casey???!!!!


  33. Foreverball11 said:

    Are you sure you don’t want any? Did they take all your items your wearing in the header? If they took msh. FIND THE HACKER AND KILL THEM. Or try to get it back.

    Try your best!



    • flna566 said:

      I think your OVER EXAGGERATING by saying you want to kill a person, that took pixels….
      It is AWFUL that they took casey_cow101s stuff…. but still you dont KILL them.


  34. pups215 said:

    Can I donate you ecoins? I feel really bad about that! I seriously hope you get all your stuff back 😦 It sucks for it to happen to someone awesome like you


  35. Its sprinkles from facebook well im still trying evetyday im sending atleast 5 email hope wevall can hrlp


  36. UH, a person that is too lazy to get it for themselves. 😦 I mean, seriously, there are hardly any hardworking hackers. The only work they get CLOSE to doing is of course hacking, and they only hack to get what they want. -_- Sorry for ya, Casey!


  37. You’ll get it back, as long as you have proof.


  38. the1cow1says1moo said:

    Do you want anything? I might not have what you want, but…well..yea…
    btw, what did they take?


  39. Awww I feel so bad for you and you are not exaggerating its a big deal u spend your time getting rare stuff and people hack your account.I hope Fantage can do something about it but they might not believe you so good luck.

    ~ _ BlueStar415 _


  40. ๖ۣۜKιтту♥๖ۣۜCнaи♥ said:

    Casey I am so sorry about your loss of items. Also I feel really bad for you. That person shouldn’t have hacked you. Can I please donate something to you? I don’t have much things but you can take my bunny nose. I don’t even use it. So yea please accept it. ~Kitty


  41. Anonymous said:

    *Removed because it was too stupid to be allowed on this blog*


  42. Something happened to me on fantage too!!! My items got stolen, and then i got permanently banned!! For no apparent reason!


  43. ๖ۣۜKιтту♥๖ۣۜCнaи♥ said:

    Oh, alright :\ but if you need items don’t be afraid to ask me ^^


  44. theeny49 said:

    Casey, I got hacked to! But Fantage stole my mom’s money, and when I email them there is no reply. If you know fantage’s phone number please tell me. I want to tell them about the stolen money you being hacked and me being hacked.


  45. lunaravenue said:

    Fantage has been really getting on everyone’s nerves these days. Here are the horrible events in my book. Not in any order:

    1. My friend got banned for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON just when her 100th day of logging into Pet Academy was coming up! My suspicion: Pinkstardust got jelly.

    2. Casey: YOU GOT HACKED!!!! I feel so sorry! My suspicion: Still Pinkstardust getting jelly.

    3. Fantage won’t reply to any of my contact submissions about bullying, trends, and in general concerns. My suspicion: They don’t check their stuff. They just delete.

    I can’t believe them!




  46. Foreverball11 said:

    Casey. How do you deal with hacking? I bough brown BB for 20,000 coinz. Someone hacked me. I bought it back for 10,000 coinz. Hacked again. I bought back for 8,000 coinz. Will fantage ever reply t emails that deal with double, scamming, hacking, etc.


  47. Anonymous said:

    Wow. I’m sorry!! Hope u get it back


  48. Sorry Casey…=(


  49. slushipup1903 said:



  50. Reblogged this on Fantage PenPuffs and commented:
    Wow… there’s a hacker on the loose! First me, then Foreverball, and now Casey!!! Help her please!


  51. I’m so tired of all of this hacking drama! It gets on my nerves when someone comes up and is like “OMG, I got hacked. And almost lost everything!” Me: “Well I’m soo sorry for you! Try to do your best to get it back!” But yeah, I hope you get everything that satisfies you. Plus, it might just lead you to a new adventure! 😀



  52. I haven’t been hacked, but I’ve been scammed twice. I used to have all these beta items, (braids, pigtails, bunny nose, antlers, Santa hair I had heaps!!) but my friend said they weren’t worth anything, so I traded them all to her for bad items. I emailed fantage about the scammers, but they never reply; it’s like they don’t even care!!! That’s what annoys me, hackers, scammers and fantage who doesn’t seem to care most of the time.


  53. fantagepenguins said:

    I e-mailed Fantage When I Got Hacked Too,
    They Just Didn’t Believe Me!
    So My Bff Called For Me,
    But She Was Just Trying To Hack Me,
    Not A Good Bff…
    I’ll Donate Some Stuff If You Want…


  54. bluediamond134 said:

    I know their phone number… I think they wont help though cuz they say oh its too much.. Anyway, its 1-(201)-944-6622


  55. fantagepenguins said:

    Reblogged this on Fantage Penguins! and commented:
    Help Casey Get Her Items Back!
    Call Fantage, email fantage, contact them as much as possible for her on how casey_cow101 is hacked so she can get her stuff back!!!!
    Keep Re-Blogging This!


    • fantagepenguins said:

      I Hate Hackers, I Got Hacked 3 Times!
      We Have To Do All The Hard Work..
      And Then Stupid Hackers, Are Just To Lazy To Get Items, Themselves, So They Just Hack People….


  56. That’s sad 😦


  57. Roselynh100 said:

    Awwwwww!!!!! I contacted Fantage and enailed them around 6 times. I’m really sad, and I hope you get you’re items back!!!! I even told the admin I met today on Fantage, X, about wut happened. Hopefully she heard because there were around 40 ppl surrounding her! I know how it feels, my friend got hacked and now you, too!! The hacker took my friend’s bunny nose, her shooting star board, and her favorite outfit, the light blue one not at Le Shop anymore!!! 😦 Why doesn’t Fantage do anything about it???


  58. if you changed your password, can u tell me ur old password? i just wanna see wat u mean by “too easy” LOL becuz one of my passwords are 12345abcde xD


  59. Omg so srry for u !! Plz have some of main stuff literally I don’t want them I got heaps of them on my other accountS


  60. fantagepenguins said:

    HELP ME!!!!!!!!


  61. Awww Casey, emailed fantage that u got hacked but they didnt respond


  62. i am very very very sad today………..
    cuz someone is using my account and they finished my whole ecoins that i had.


  63. Sadly I got hacked too just recently but luckily they didn’t have the time to take anything but they bought some really ugly stuff with my ecoins 😦


  64. hmmm i have a question how do
    People hack in your account anyway? its not like you told them your password i am just confuesed about this and casey i hope you get your stuff back you really seem nice and helpful


  65. cheer12391 said:

    my best friend and I shared an account. my really good account. we transferred to my account to make it really good and then she met some girl online named nut/taylorgrace. ugh… well then shes like can I share with u guys and and my friend is like omg yeah sure ur my bestie… blah blah blah -.- so then she shared with us and then a couple months later she logged on and she hacked us. she took; santa, msh, bone, frog wand, 300,000 ecoins, red gyms, dragon board, pumkin shirt, and a bunch of other stuff… so frm now on wee r losers.. TnT I hate fantage now. and whenever we tried to call, they don’t answer.


  66. someone is hacking my account on in2playing16 i just dont know what to do 😥 i think my pass it to easy please who ever is hacking it please stop i love my account D’:


  67. berry9102 said:

    Okay I know you probably got your items back last year but OMG I feel so bad for you! You got hacked…I got hacked recently too. And then somehow my items went “POOF” and they disappeared. Along with 20,000 ecoins. I think the hacker used up the ecoins by buying something expensive and taking it with them…ugh I lost my BB Hair…and some other stuff…but oh well since Fantage won’t help. Wait, Moo Moo or Angela can you help me because I really liked the items I lost. Wow now I feel like an annoying git…bothering you like that and asking for help…but anyways…
    Hey why doesn’t Fantage every return these items? It’s not really nice to not respond when someone’s items go missing. I think they think that I think they are stupid and I am lying. 😦


  68. cry cry i feel srry for u cry cry here is an acc for u only user:kk0191 pass: msg meh


  69. fantageprincesspop said:

    Hacking needs to be stopped.


  70. sorry to hear tht


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