❤ January 27, 2012 – April 6, 2015 ❤

Me as a Non

just wanted to show you guys what I’m like as a non. That does not mean I will do anything for you that I didn’t do before. Haha, it’s fun being a non, so I will stay one for a little bit, but I already got an ultimate game card to be a member again XD

But, being a non is cool, so yesh. 😛Image

Comments on: "Me as a Non" (11)

  1. NICE! But… u would have pet treats medal pet collector medal etc. leveled up so yeah.


  2. Well… Look.
    When ure a em you get pet treats medal etc. these mem levels STAY when ur a non so yeah…


  3. casey im about to become a non 😥 so i rlly need to no what kind of medals u get to keep besides all the pet medals u get….. also…. how many months r u going to be a mem once u renew ur membership??? thx

    (=’:’) ~pandasarah~


  4. rlly?? thx so much 😀

    (=’:’) ~pandasarah~


  5. And your a member now… xD


  6. nina123nina said:

    Pandasarah you can get all event medals,reporter medal and pet academy medal


  7. dudette19 said:

    Casey, Where did u get that pink top? I want it! WAAAAAA


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