❤ January 27, 2012 – April 6, 2015 ❤

Trade n Sell Refunds

This has finally been released! Although Fantage was unnecessarily late in doing so, let’s just put that behind and be thankful that they did this in the first place!

How to Refund

Go to Uptown and click on this wonderful green sign

Click on any item to see how many stars/ecoins you can get for refunding. You will receive a refund once you press GET PAID and confirm.


How to Make the Best of This

Remember that you can only refund up to 10 items, so don’t waste them on items that will barely get you any ecoins/stars!

Look through everything on the list first, and decide which ones have the highest pay.

I made a detailed list to plan out what I would sell. This is what mine looks like, it makes it SO much easier to decide which items to sell! You can do something like this too.

Don’t forget about the items you are wearing right now! They won’t show up on the list until you take them off, so wear some random costume for now that you know you won’t/cannot return.

I just noticed that Fantage has added moodies into the list too. That makes me think, maybe they will add houses and pets later on too! You should keep one or two refunds for now, in case they decide to do this.

Things You Should Take Note of

1. If you were ever hacked and had all of your ecoins/stars stolen, this is the perfect way to get them all back!

2. If you took part in something that involved a huge transfer of ecoins/stars, these will count in the refunds too! For example, I once needed to transfer 25,000 ecoins to a friend as payment. She posted a worthless item for 25,000 ecoins so I could buy it. Since refunds have been released, I get these 25,000 ecoins back!

3. This will last until December 18, so make sure to use up all 10 item refunds, or they will be wasted!

4. If you refund an item, that item will be TAKEN OUT of your inventory, there is NO way you can get it back. So make sure that the item you are refunding is one you don’t want anymore!!

5. If you refund an item, the person that you originally paid will not lose any money. Nobody will lose any money from these refunds.

6. If you bought an item back when TnS was still open and then sold it, you cannot refund it. You can only refund items that are CURRENTLY in your inventory.

7. Don’t hesitate in refunding an item just because it’s “popular” or “valuable,” because there is no such thing anymore. Chances are, it will be sold later on at Vintage Gold, so if you can get a huge amount of money for it, then go for it! Only keep an item if YOU think it’s pretty, not what other people think.

8. Remember that ecoins will always be worth more than stars, so if you are trying to decide between a starred item and an ecoined item to refund, I recommend the ecoined one!

9. Remember that if you sell items from Orion, your rares medal will drop accordingly.

10. Don’t sell too fast, or it might start glitching, like the charity event. Keep track of how many ecoins/stars you have at all times, to make sure you were paid correctly.

Comments on: "Trade n Sell Refunds" (120)

  1. Okay, but where do you go to get your refunds? And can we meet up at lava gerbil and at the spa, where it’s not too crowded?


  2. moonlightmizuki said:

    Agreed! I miss TnS. THEY BETTER REMOVE THE LIMIT OF 10! I ALREADY REFUNDED TEN I NEED A FEW MORE. Another lie from Fantage. Second one today.


  3. ~ ❤ ƒ☮яєνєяѕт☆я ❤ ~ said:

    For the last picture, how did that sign pop up? Or did Fantage remove it and still updating it now?


  4. Just refreshed the page and this popped up XD I think by “fully refund” they mean’t you’ll get all the stars/ecoins you paid back. Of course, it could’ve just been a marketing term Fantage used to make themselves sound more generous than they actually are. I think 10 items limit is so no one abuses the refunds. Just think if EVERYONE refunded all (or even just half) the stuff they bought, Fantage would probably go broke from giving away all those ecoins and they might even be more worthless than the items in VG.


    • Yeah, that’s definitely the case. Fantage Staff: masters of word manipulation.


    • Maybe they can’t refund everything but 10 items limit is insulting, not to mention they deceived us with their promise of full refund. Fantage is doing a lot of deceitful moves. Why arew VG items so expensive when they know we can’t get stars anymore now that tns is gone. It’s almost like gouging, they know we can’t get 50000 stars to buy items. There’s no way to gett 50000 stars on Fantage through games, even if you played all day. Their games give 200 stars maximum. Fantage doing their best to push users away.


    • I think I understand Fantage’s plans now:
      1. They offer refunds for TnS~ I think they either did this on purpose, knowing they’ll have to trick us later on, OR received too many complaints about VG that they simply threw out the only solution they could think of.
      2. They realize (or have known all along) that doing this may possibly put them out of business due to the massive amount of stars and ecoins they are basically giving away.
      3. They decide to hold a “charity event” out of nowhere, so that we, who actually have a caring heart, would donate a lot of stars (or basically LOSE a lot of stars).
      In order for them to make up for the massive amounts of stars and ecoins they have to “refund”, they take away a massive amount of OUR stars. So basically, all of Fantage, who thinks they’re donating to some charitable cause, is actually just paying for other people’s TnS stars refunds. I’m surprised they didn’t also do some “ecoin charity” too. Fantage is so manipulating, it makes me sick. Okay, so maybe we let them off the hook for using kids to reach into their parent’s credit cards, and maybe all the bad desicions they made (making TnS and then shutting it down, etc.) are just the normal thing any MMORGP goes through, but to go as far as using something noble, like Charity, and twisting it around to MANIPULATE children, and take advantage of their caring hearts is UNBELIEVABLE and DISGUSTING, even for Fantage. Fantastic Age? Oh please.. I bet the way the Fantage Staff looks at Fantage.com isn’t “Fantastic Age,” it’s “Opportunities to use children to reach into their parents pockets”. Sorry for my rambling, it’s just Fantage has disgusted me beyond belief, and every time I think of how they are lying to their loyal customers.. -_- Well anyways, I really am considering quitting Fantage.. I mean, now that I know about the dishonesty, if I stay, it’s just like saying I support what they’re doing, right?
      -A very mad MusicFan 😡


  5. Yay! For a while, I thought they would only pay us how much the item was worth, but I guess not…which means I will no longer be broke in ecoins (as a hacker took all of mine, which was a lot [50,000+]), idk I feel like I’m complaining now…But haha I never saw this and when I logged in today and couldn’t find the sign, so I panicked.


  6. HarmonyWuffs said:

    I just saw u. Then u poofed WAAAAAAAAAA. OnO


  7. Pannda_27 said:

    No post about the charity? I think that’s why Fantage withdrew the refunds, so they could bring out the charity.


  8. the post about this trade n sell refund is back! but it says
    “one full week we will fully refund stars & ecoins for your trade n sell purchases, thanks for patience as we work to release this feature as soon as possible”
    <<<Wooohoooo I cant wait 😛


  9. Maybe they don’t want us to buy the fall leaf hair at VG, so they’re waiting for tomorrow.


    • OOHHHHHH OMG that’s so smart!! I never thought of that!
      Omigod that is just EVIL and GREEDY and MANIPULATIVE and DECEPTIVE!
      Did you guys understand what she’s saying? They aren’t releasing refunds yet, so people won’t get the money to buy autumn leaf hair in time. Tomorrow would be too late, and yeah, I bet that’s exactly when they’re planning to release it.


  10. SunandRain3 said:

    Well, it kind of isn’t fair in a way… I was transferring stars and the girl gave me 2,000,000 stars. I gave her one of my favorite hairs, and now she can have my hair, the junk item i gave her, and her 2,000,000 stars back… o.o I don’t know how to explain this… I mean, its all for vintage and stuff, but you know what i mean, I hope. I don’t care that much, Im just pointing this out.


    • Well, remember, even if she refunds it and gets her 2 million, you won’t lose anything. Fantage said that no funds will be taken out of anyone’s account at any time.


  11. If I bought something like wintergreen, and its in my inventory right now, if I refund it, wil it disappear?


  12. SunandRain3 said:

    Uh, well, refund, you kinda can’t have both..


  13. well, when i clicked the get payed button they payed me o-o


  14. Ummm if you bought a really expensive item and sold it while TNS was there will you still get the money?


  15. Oh good. I have been wsiting for this to come~


  16. Wait….WHAT?
    I thought we just get refund and keep thr items?


  17. So what your trying to say is that they still didnt release the TnS refunds right?


  18. They probably won’t release it ANY TIME SOON!! Ho Ho Ho hat is coming up for sale soon, and you know what that means…. I WONT GET THE MILLIONS OF ECOINS THAT I SPENT. Fantage…..


  19. What if I traded something? Will the item I got in return for the trade be able to be sold?


  20. Do you know if they are gonna release it again today? Cuz’ today school is canceled so I can go on but the weekends I’m busy and I can’t miss this event! Plus, when it’s the weekdays, I can’t go on cuz’ there’s no wifi…. o oi…. Idk what to do…OH YEA! Blonde Beta Santa Hat (Ho Ho Hat) is coming back! WHOOP WHOOP. But I proabably can’t afford… I already missed Autumn hair -.- Oh, and how do you get SO MUCH eCoins?????


    • It’s not beta, it’s the fake one. It came out December 2008, you can tell because the top part is red. The beta one is orange. Ugh another trick.


      • Yeah, that’s all Fantage is good for now, tricks and games. It’s disgusting..


      • REALLY?!?! This is really starting to annoy me. It also happened with the fashion show thing. I think it’s going to be released (the event) on Monday…But I’m not Fantage so I could be incorrect… But they gotta stop doing this. Putting a date on something and not having it come out on time. I agree with most people that Fantage is eventually going to close down. It was doing pretty good when I played from 2009-2011ish but now it’s kind of going down. I DO hope that Fantage will stay open for awhile longer, but that will be very unlikly…It’ll probably close in 2014-2016 or sooner (2013/This Year). Your opinion MooMoo or anyone else that wants to reply?


  21. 1Tara1Tara said:

    Hi!! Wow thanks so much for adding me! I’m talking to you right now on Fantage. I’m rkgill1… By the way did they tell you when they might give out refunds?
    ~Your number one fan!


    • I think they are going to do it after they release mermaid hair. They don’t want people getting a lot of money all of a sudden and be able to buy it. That’s why they didn’t release it yesterday, even though it was all prepared. They didn’t want people buying autumn.
      I bet they are regretting the refunds.


      • Wow, you guys are prolly right. Fantage is really becoming so greedy. They only care about ripping us off.


  22. Fantage is taking too long, are they even in need of money after all?
    Fantage is NOT becoming greedy, they’re already greedy.
    Its funny how they don’t give out limited items to nons, everything is eCoined. while some have 0, some have more worth 100,000+.
    which is probably members. I think they’ll release the update on Monday. since it’s O so Called “One Full Week Refund”.


  23. Ugh! It’s gonna be released on Wednesday! You can tell by looking at the picture when Princess_Moomoo was showing the preview. I think when they said “one week” meant that refunds started on Thursday and Wednesday is the only day/ last day of the “one week refund”.


  24. It’s gonna be released on Wednesday (11-11-13). You can tell from the picture when Princess_moomoo was refunding if you look up. The screenshot Princess_moomoo made, the sign that said it started on December 5 to December 11, it was a lie. The refunds will start on December 11, but the sign says that it will END at December 11.
    If you don’t understand what I’m trying to say I’m trying to say that December 11 is the only day we can refund our items because the sign says that it will start on December 5 to December 11. I’m not really sure about December 11 as the only day to refund items. I don’t think fantage will give another week 😦


    • That would be such a scam, giving one day… and only 10 items, and they said FULLY refund… Fantage probably is playing with us, just releasing charity right on the days when the refunds should be here, exactly the opposite.


  25. More like will be released some time from December 5 – December 11 😡


    • I think they are really starting to regret doing refunds in the first place. It gives some people a LOT of money, which is bad for business. I bet they are trying to find some excuse to get rid of it that doesn’t sound too outrageous. They are not working on it, it’s finished, I tried it yesterday, as said in this post. They’re stalling.


  26. I’m gonna quit fantage. They’re REALLY *censored* me off now. I’m not playing their shit game any longer after what they’ve done to us.


  27. frannyb625 said:

    this is totally baloney smh


  28. Sadly, you can’t take back trades. A hacker took all of my cool coined stuff. SIGH. This also I guess means that you can sell back the items hackers bought with your coins.


  29. sprinkles280 said:

    is this still gonna continue as a week bc they said like 12-5-13 to 12-12-13 so would it turn to a couple of days or change the signs and make it a week? Also i think its funny how fantage gives a release day then it comes like hours (sometimes days) after.they should really just say when they are really gonna release it.i feel like they just ran out of ideas so there just doing stuff to the last minute.


  30. wait hold up just a sec i whanna share my toughts too about the trade n, sell refund i know why they are doing a charity event well its because so every body can sell their stars to get 8 million so when the refunds come everybody can get their stars idk about ecoins and i think they basically lied about helping the people in need and i have a funny feeling that fantage opened vintage gold was to get people to buy their fake trick stuff thats why they have them so high and so people can buy more ecoins since you cant really get that much stars and the reason they closed trade n sell is because no one was`nt buying ecoins they sold a items to get it i understand there was alot of scamming and they wanted to put a stop to it and speaking of scamming! when trade n sell opened october 11th 2012 they gave rules on the blog not to double trade so that gave some people ideas to do it and fantage has been cheating they sold beami luxuary glow thing for a high price when people already had it.what kind of mess is that!?!? btw sorry if i was tripping i am just mad and sorry for long message


  31. Guys you realise that they can just DIGITALY make and stars/ecoins for free and then make ppl pay to get them to get money, they don’t PAY THEMSEVES to like MAKE stars…


  32. What I really think Fantage is doing is waiting for the goods to pass THEN people will start buying more and more eCoins for it, then at the last day of the refunds, it will show up so the people who are at school, sleeping and working won’t be able to do the refunds, which makes it less for them to give Stars and eCoins. << That's what I think.


  33. are the refunds back up?


    • Nope, and I don’t understand why, they should be ready, I’ve already seen it. I think they’re stalling and thinking of a way to get rid of it that doesn’t sound to outrageous. Maybe “uh oh! Dr. Finkelstein has come to town and stolen the refunds sign, so we can’t do it anymore! Sorry everyone!”
      Lol that would be funny. But so not cool.


  34. Anonymous said:

    Once 12/11 comes, are they just going to remove the sign without anybody being able to refund?


  35. i got a question so we get pay back but still will we get are stuff back too?
    because when i sold bb hair im wondering i will get that hair back?


  36. uh oh fantagehas been hijacked by a evil villan so now we dont have any money sorry we cant do the refunds rolf rolf rolf


  37. fransqueeze said:

    LOL yea there gonna make it into a mission! CONGRATULATIONS! By completing this mission you get 10 stars! No but seriously i think that if fantage doesn’t ever give us refunds thank we should call them and complain and torture them with phone calls and emails! WHOSE WITH ME!!!!!!! *puts 1 hand in*


  38. haileyginger01 said:

    When are they gonna do the refunds?!?! >.< please help princess moomoo!


  39. pennypiecutie said:

    Yay! The refunds are finally released! They’re extending it to the 18th. But, they didn’t change the 10 refunds thing. Those liars. 😦


  40. Hi MooMoo!
    First of all, this refunding is terrific because I paid outrageous prices for actually a lot of things I never realized. It works now, it was released today!
    Second, for the charity event, at the beginning it had a sign saying
    “For every 1,500 stars Fantagians donate M will donate $1!”
    It was out only for the first two hours, and gone.
    So perhaps they changed it because of 1B donations, or it’s still true. Not sure.


    • LOLOL that means M is gonna donate like $700,000? Because the counter is over 1 billion right now xD
      I guess he chickened out and took it back, he didn’t expect so many donations.


  41. ♒ Skylar Heartfilia ♒ said:

    It’s released! Get ready to get rich >:D


  42. ~ ❤ ƒ☮яєνєяѕт☆я ❤ ~ said:

    I got 128,667 ecoins from refunding! I also got around 9.9 million stars back. Still having lots of ecoined items left.


  43. I only got 5,000 ecoins from it, because apparently, Fantage decided they wanted to cheat me. I got hacked of all my ecoins, and yet, the plain white tee and sticker that mysteriously appeared in my account (probably from the hacker) can only be refunded for 25 ecoins and 20 ecoins, which makes no sense, because no other items in the refund list have anything over 4,000 ecoins, which is something I know I bought. This is really stupid because I actually used an Amazon gift card to buy the 50,000 ecoins, and then a hacker took it, and now I can’t even get it back. Wow, just – wow.


    • Wut… I dunno if that’s Fantage’s fault though, it was probably something that the hacker did


      • idk it’s just really confusing. Before I was hacked I had no ecoined stickers & no plain white tees, and after I was hacked I did. So…I think it’s obvious the hacker took them, and no other new items appeared in my inventory.


      • That’s weird, if they were trying to take your ecoins, you shouldn’t have those stickers/white tees, because they are the one that has to buy them, so they can post it and steal your money x(
        Maybe they were a dumb hacker, and they didn’t realize that until after they bought the stickers/white tees?


      • ugh, wrong wording again.


    • ~ ❤ ƒ☮яєνєяѕт☆я ❤ ~ said:

      Contact Fantage and ask them about it? Worth a shot if they even reply. If you do end up emailing them, don’t make the title “Trade n Sell Refunds”. Make it something like, “Glitch in inventory” So they will have to read your message, even though it wasn’t even about inventory, but refunds.


  44. xx~Starling~xx said:

    You’re going to get A LOT of ecoins, moomoo! 🙂


  45. Hi we met in Maroon Moose server! 🙂 I’m princess_817. Just wanted to say that i was gonna sell something but it said i didnt buy anything from TNS so I was really mad. I didnt buy many things from TNS. But it still wont let me sell anything ……… what do i do?:O


    • Oh hi there!
      It won’t let you sell anything?? Ohh, because you said you didn’t buy anything from TnS, huh… Well I guess there is nothing to do >.<
      Remember that the people refunding aren't getting money out of nowhere, they spent it in the past and are getting back some of the money.
      Just think of it this way, since you never bought anything, you didn't spend any of your stars, so you get to keep all of it!


  46. I’m glad they actually added this, and it’s not a scam. 😀
    Speaking of scam, in the Comet, tomorrow Fantage is revealing the 3 charitable causes they donated to. Let’s see! :mrgreen:


    • That’s good, so it might not be fake! I will be sure to research it to make sure.


      • I will definitely research too. As suspected, they got wind of the fact that some of us were suspicious, so now they’re going to release the name of the charities they’re donating to. We still need to know how much and what te conversion is. We always knew they would donate, we just knew it wouldn’t be anything worth much. I still believe this. The farm event just came out. It’s obvious Fanatge just needs money and doing all they can to make us spend ecoins. You have to spend ecoins every step of the way to level up and play the farm game. They have another ecoin sale which is good but it’s not double your ecoins, so it’s really a fake sale. They’re adding 10000 ecoins to the 140000. Big whoop. Anybody playing farm game will need those ecoins for sure.


    • There’s no proof it’s not a scam yet just because they said they’re stating the 3 charities. We don’t know how much yet. Either way it’s a scam to get us broke and out of our stars with promise of helping other kids and leveling up. The refunds is a scam. They initially said we’d get full refunds, but now sudden;y it’s only 3 items. Big whoop. Yea, scam.


  47. i never bought much so i just have 11,000 ecoins i wish you can sell more D:


  48. How did this get 100 comments in less then one day?


  49. OMG THIS FINALLY CAME OUT!!!!! I’M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!! Now I’m back to normal lol 20 million stars and 96 thousand ecoins!! 😀


    • ρяιη¢єѕѕ_ѕтαяℓιηg said:

      wowie, you have a TON of money. right now, I’m at 500 stars. pathetic, right? 🙄


  50. jadeallstar said:

    If your sell a starred nonmember rare item, you can get it back. 🙂


  51. xx~Starling~xx said:

    This has nothing do with TnS refunds, but I was spamming your inbox on ask.fm with “Mary had a Little Lamb” and “I’m a Little Teapot.” I made one word per question. Halfway through the first verse of “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” ask.fm said I was asking you too many questions, so I had to stop. Sorry! I got bored! :-s


  52. I got 7,766 stars for refunding springy shoes, because I had two 🙂


  53. I went on and only one item showed up. And I actually liked it! I don’t know why…


  54. SunandRain3 said:

    I have a LIMITED list of the items I can sell. This is COMPLETELY STUPID! All they gave me were the CHEAPEST items I bought for coins! GRRR! I wanted to sell my OLD santa hat I already had, because I thought I got it for a really good deal for 30,000 coins, BUT NOOOOOOOO….. Grrrrr! I mean seriously, HOW IN THE WORLD IS THIS FAIR? I can’t pick out my own darn items. -.-


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