❤ January 27, 2012 – April 6, 2015 ❤

Hi everyone, I returned yesterday as promised, but since it was fairly late, I decided to save this post for today 🙂

I had a wonderful vacation with my family (I won’t reveal where I went for privacy reasons, sorry!) ^_^

Onto the second topic. I checked Facebook the other day, and I saw a lot of posts about people panicking over getting hacked

hacking2 hacking

Since people on Fantage always misuse the word “hacking,” I wasn’t too worried at first; in the past, people have said they got “hacked” when they actually just gave their password away to untrustworthy people.

Hacking is difficult, and I doubt a professional hacker would spend time on a children’s website. But the fact that so many people were posting about it did worry me a bit.

I also got this email while I was away:


I couldn’t help but feel that it was maybe connected to all this hacking…!

The email above is from blogs.fantage@gmail.com. I responded to it “Do you think I’m stupid?” It’s obvious that this is not Fantage, for these reasons:

1. Fantage has their own email domain, like _____@fantage.com, they don’t use Gmail.

2. fantageville@gmail.com isn’t the email I used to sign up for Fantage. I joined in 2010, two years before I made Fantageville. If they wanted to contact me, they would have used the email they have in their system, which is my personal email.

3. The idiotic spelling errors. “Fantage has grossed 17%” and “Both of you are aloud to have…”

4. They just said “Fantage staff will never ask for your password” and then, in the next line RIGHT AFTER, they do. Wow?

5. Why would they need confirmation? They would just send it to my account. If they sent the email to the wrong person, it wouldn’t matter, they wouldn’t be able to get into my account anyway.

6. Fantage would never thank me, or anyone else, including the betas 😛

7. The obvious attempts to sound professional, when they are actually just stating blatantly obvious things, like “blog.fantage.com is connected to Fantage”

So, if you got this email, do NOT give them your username and password. Instead, send them this link maybe and/or give them a piece of your mind. If you have blogger friends who are well-known, send them to this too, I don’t want anyone losing their password because of this.

Just make sure you think before you give away your personal info. Fantage accounts aren’t worth much in the real world, but imagine if it was a person asking for your bank account? That could do some serious damage.

Also remember that no company that you sign up for (e.g. Facebook, Gmail, Fantage, etc.) will ask for your password through an email. The only place they will ask for it is on their actual website, to make sure it’s you. That’s the entire point of a password.

Stay safe!

I’ve thought about this some more, and I realized this.

If this “hacking generator,” which only requires a username, was real, then the high-levels would be the first ones hacked. I mean, their usernames are plastered in the Hall of Fame.

I’m 90% sure this was started either because (1) someone accidentally gave their password away, or (2) a wannabe-hacker started it to cause panic.

Either way, if you use common sense and value your privacy like me, you won’t be hacked.

Comments on: "Back From Vacation + Hacking??" (105)

  1. Wow thanks for the info! I emailed the people (blogs.fantage@gmail.com) and sent a complaint/very angry letter to them about this! Lol..


  2. buddy123445 said:

    Oh wow, I think i know someone that got that same email and posted it on their blog, It should be a hacker sending it to people.


  3. I’ve gotten an e-mail just like this one. I set up a fight (not exactly a fight, but you know what I mean) and they sounded like 5 year-olds.
    As for the “grossed” I think they meant by “gross pay”, but whatever. They are a fake, though, no doubt about that.


  4. You can add some extra reasons for why its fake:
    1) in the first line, they said “blog.fantage.com would like to thank you…” If that was a real letter, they would have said that this is fantage inc.
    2) They would have started off with Dear fantagian instead of hi fantageville owners (I’ve got some letters from fantage before and it started off with dear fantagian.)


  5. This was also on instagram


  6. Anonymous said:

    I think the hacker emails Fantage saying that they forgot the password to “their” account. Then they give their new email address claiming that they forgot the password to “their” confirmation email (the email they used to make the acount) so that they could change the password through their real email. That’s why they asked you for your confirmation email and not your password. The hacker knew that if they emailed people telling them to give them their password, no one would fall for that. Are all the people who are getting hacked bloggers?


    • I’ve heard of that in the past too! But I don’t understand why Fantage would fall for that, it’s so easy… And the entire lie would fall apart if the person they are trying to hack logs in, because that proves they didn’t forget their password.
      I think it’s not just bloggers, I heard that the hackers just go on a random server, find people wearing cool things, and use their username.


      • ♥PurpleStarlight♥ said:

        But it’s impossible to hack someone only with their username. If it was possible everyone in the hall of fame would have already been hacked.


      • Oh yea. I think those people just find people wearing cool things and then take their username. Then they contact fantage and say that they forgot “their” password and they want to change the email. Later fantage contacts back asking what email you put in when you first signed up. That’s what that email from blog.fantage@gmail.com was asking for! Your email that you first put in when you signed up! They were trying to hack you! (They probably did all of this with your username!) DON’T FALL FOR THIS STUFF FELLOW FANTAGIANS!!!! (Btw I got all of this info from some video on youtube. I can’t believe fantage doesn’t see this stuff. -_-)


  7. My friends blog had that same email sent to all of their authors.


  8. Susanღ said:

    I saw a little inner MooMoo sass in your reply to the hackers lol


  9. Haven’t got this email, but my friend has. Good thing that she didn’t reply!


  10. Oh wow! I never knew this was happening! This is crazy! But honestly, even I can write a better email than that (I’m only i nmiddle school!)


  11. Susanღ said:

    The ending part also sounds unreal, because (highly unlikely) if Fantage was going to thank you, they wouldn’t put “Sincerely, blog.fantage.com” , they would put “Fantage”. Also, the blog.fantage.com part isn’t connected to anything in the message, making it stand out.


  12. In the 4th paragraph, they never asked for you pass, just ur usernames and confirmation email. And lol, I don’t think that they would say “This is a real deal!”


  13. A while ago I was in the cafe and a girl wearing a bag and said she was going to hack us all…


  14. ♥§♥fairycari♥§♥ said:

    Reblogged this on ♥ FantageFairy♥ and commented:
    Watch out people, watch out


  15. So true!
    Also, when I wanted to get my password changed, every email they sent was signed ‘the Fantage Team’ , not their blog…


  16. I cannot change my password because when I created the account, I randomly typed in an email…now if I can’t change my password 😦

    Anyway always go to a server that has a lot of fantagians in there and hide yourself (don’t let other people click on you), dress like a fantagian who just started fantage. People hack accounts in servers that have lesser fantagians, soo yeah.


  17. Candykatx said:

    I’m Carly Fantage… lol


  18. fantage warrior said:

    I’m don’t think a person in middle school or higher would fall for this, it seems highly unlikely that fantage would send a email like this. I am upset however because a child with an email account could easily get excited about new items and give away their confirmation email. I haven’t got this email but , lots of people I know have got it including a 8 year old who wanted to do it. I’m relieved her parents had a rule that she a had to ask her parents before sending emails. The parents knowing this couldn’t have been fantage told her not to and deleted the email. I just feel bad for people who have been fooled by this. Kids spend a good amount of time on fantage getting items which makes it easy for them to give away their password (confirmation email ) for items. I just hope nobody else gets fooled by this. My cousin (9 years old) got fooled by this she was upset for weeks over loss of her account. She had worked hard to earn stars for items. I’m just glad she learned never to give out any info if “fantage” asks for it in a email.


    • You’re right, the best thing we can do now is take preemptive action or learn from our mistakes right?


      • fantage warrior said:

        I can’t believe the measures people will go to get an account. But, seriously most people (depending how safe they are) wouldn’t fall for this. I hope the person who sent those emails realizes that people can see right through them.


      • Yeah, I hope they give up too. But I think that younger kids might be fooled. I mean, my heart jumped at first when I read it, but it only took like 5 seconds to figure out it was fake :/


      • fantage warrior said:

        I am sending this email to blogs.fantage@gmail.com
        I’m disappointed who ever is doing this. We know you are not fantage and we can see right through you. I’m not going to yell at you the whole email but, I want you to understand what you have done. People are getting nervous and being extra safe. Blogs are spreading the word and making sure most people know about this. Before you know someone will complain to fantage and I hope they will do something about it. The best this you can do now is delete this email account and apologize in a email to everyone you sent the email to. I will not let this go on. If you really want a good account do not take other peoples. People work hard on accounts and should too instead of hacking.

        Thank you for creating panic




  19. ◕ω◕♬ameee♬◕ω◕ said:

    o oi
    I got that e-mail too! But I just gave them the username and pass to a random account I just made like a year ago, I never want on that account so there are only a couple of shop items xD


  20. pannda27 said:

    That is so stupid! They can’t even get the e-mail right. You know they’re trying to hack you when they can’t spell. That was smart. Taking Fantage’s blog name but adding another letter to make it sound legit. How stupid do you think we are?


  21. Welcome back from your trip! 😀
    Well, just checked and got an email similar to one of these as well except more idiotic. It was from “official.fantage@gmail.com” telling us:
    “You must quickly shut down your blog before July 5th or else it will be banned by Fantage admins. Please understand that alot of other blogs are undergoing this as well. If you coperate you will get a 100 gold bonus, just verify this is your account.” Blah blah blah.
    Seriously, how desperate will people get? -_- They should really check for spelling errors (a lot* & cooperate*), and realize Fantage’s “official” email wouldn’t use Gmail. Goodness 😐


  22. OMG!!! I received that same email a few weeks ago (except it had my blog’s name). I was a bit suspicious, but I told them the info then changed my password.


    • ☆ρan∂ιι★ тнє ♦1/2 Joкєя♣ said:

      o^o I emailed ’em back tho purdy, I only got 1000 ecoins then I changed passy


  23. ☆ρan∂ιι★ тнє ♦1/2 Joкєя♣ said:

    I should check again to see if anything happened *panics*


  24. ☆ρan∂ιι★ тнє ♦1/2 Joкєя♣ said:

    Hi Moomoo…I was googling up some stuffu on dis hacking issue (about the email) and I found this…Is this ur blog? ‘Cuz if it is, why didn’t chu tell anyone about it ?



  25. ☆ρan∂ιι★ тнє ♦1/2 Joкєя♣ said:

    Reblogged this on Angelic Fantage and commented:
    Be careful!


  26. Yes they are getting hacked cri


  27. Fantage can pay, btw their email is not used by G-mail.


  28. I dont think anyone’s said this yet so Welcome back from your vacation!


  29. Ain’t nobody got time fo dat. And no one would wanna hack my acc… anyways.. if they sent a email to the email i registerd to my acc ( my mom’s ) she would delete it xD.. and they can’t send it to my OWN email cuz it’s private so there 🙂


  30. mine got hacked …. 😦
    but now i changed my pass 😉
    so….. it’s safe 🙂


  31. Franchesca said:

    its franix103


  32. Mango025 said:

    Wow thx MooMoo! I would have totally fell for it lol!
    Posted about ur post lol! 🙂


  33. omg i just got hacked


  34. That’s pretty sad that people actually do that, I mean sure fantage is fun and everything but all they are gaining is a bunch of pixels 😛


  35. They have probably already tricked many people, because their email sounds quite professional and i’m guessing the hacker is also 14+


    • It’s pretty professional, yes, but this email has way too many mistakes. Most people wouldn’t believe it, I mean, think about it. Blogs.fantage@gmail.com, sure most people who think about it would understand that email doesn’t have a domain name. But also, shouldn’t it be “blog.fantage@gmail.com” then? Their website IS blog.fantage.com anyways.


    • Someone who is 14+ should be able to spell allowed….My accounts username got guessed but the person doesn’t go on it anymore, they banned it though 😦


  36. moonshinezodiac said:

    Haven’t been on Fantage for a long time, so I read this post now.

    I got the same email, but I thought it was some weird advertising thing so I just deleted it. 😛
    But if I did read it, I know that it won’t be true because number 1:

    17% for sales to go up is a LOT. Just one person can’t do that, especially for a blogger to advertise!

    People should stop trying to get other people’s accounts, and just try to make their own (account) much better.


  37. I never liked my lil sis getting on my acc. Just yesterday I went to sienna shark, went to the store, nd when I came bac I thought it said l5 min of inactivity ( didn’t read just assumed) . Just when I was about to refresh I saw it said my acc was logged in gold gazelle. After panicking…..ALOT.. I then realized my sis was on the ipad on MY acc. This time im glad my sis went on my acc PHEWW


  38. Hi this is the real me now XD

    They probably haven’t sent it to me yet because I’m really new… I’m not sure. I just hope I don’t get that email.


  39. Princess MM:

    I actually have some information/data about this generator (I’m a Fantage computer programer~ Not necessarily helping Fantage, obviously). If you want, I can explain about this in a post on my blog and show it to you. It’d be a real pleasure!



  40. A lot of people are being scammed by these people called fantage cheats that ask you for your username and password and also what do you want. It’s so obvious it’s a scam!!!

    1. It says “we’ve been helping fantagians for the past 17 years” umm….fantage has been open for 7 years.

    2.It says “we’ve helped millions of fantage user” then how come you’re not on front search page of google?


  41. ✿☮✌☼~SummerMoonStar~☼✌☮✿ said:

    Reblogged this on Fantage Cottage and commented:
    Be careful everyone…!


  42. Thanks! I’m not surprised that this happened to a lot of people. They are all very gullible. I mean I was watching one of these videos for some Fantage download, just to see how many people fell for it. I looked down at the comments and all these people had viruses from the download. Did it ever occur to them to look it up, or scroll down to the comments. I also saw that some people just go to downtown, write down a bunch of names and guess their passwords. So I have provided a few safety tips to keep your computer away from viruses and hackers.
    1. If your password is something like 12345, YOU NEED TO CHANGE IT!
    2. Don’t put in any personal information in your password or username. If they get your password, now they also have your identity,birthday etc.
    3. If you got the email, you need to think. I really don’t think that Fantage would have directly contacted you just because that stuff is rare and Fantage is trying to accumulate as much money as possible ( referring to the gold). Fantageville is a matter of opinion (as most blogs are), and that doesn’t mean you agree with everything Fantage does, because after all they are working for the Sales.
    4. Look Things up. If people are trying to get your account or trying to get you to download something, that usually means your not the only one. Look it up, there is probably plenty of people with feedback.

    I truly think this is just preparation for the real world. I mean seriously, If you fall for one of those emails as an adult, where they say they are going to put one million dollars in your bank account you need to give them your information, you are probably going to have a very hard time. Anyway to sum everything up, just be cautious and think, and these things will never happen to you. Oh and by the way, thank you Moo_Moo for this information,I I will be watching this person/people, and also will give them my mind. (It’s funny to see their reactions!)
    Sorry for the long comment by the way, these things were swirling and I needed to get them out. If they were going to hack something, they should have reviewed their spelling to make it seem legitimate.


  43. I would just delete it.


  44. hei guizee imma real fantage staff
    gime ur usrname + pass and i’ll give u free stuff

    ps dis is not poser or hackr dis is real pls my great uncle started fantage


  45. It’s funny because grossed is grammatically correct.


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