❤ January 27, 2012 – April 6, 2015 ❤

Posts tagged ‘plot’

Fantage Farm

Last updated by MooMoo on 12/21/13: added green sticky note

Are you annoyed that someone keeps on harvesting your crops and stealing your EXP/stars? Trying to find a way to lock your farm? No need. See the UPDATE 12/21/13 sticky note under “Visiting a Buddy’s Farm.”

Oh dear… It seems that FarmVille has invaded Fantage…

I have no idea where this randomly sprung from… But anyway, here’s the post!

Where to start?

Everyone gets a free farm! To visit it, go to your home and click on the new farm button, right above your Pet Barn.


Everyone starts out with 5 squares of land. This is where you will grow your crops.


How to Plant Crops

1. Click on any available square of land.


2. A Farm Items catalogue will pop up. For beginners, the only crop you can plant is wheat. You will be able to unlock more crops as you level up your Farm Level.


3. Click on the crop to buy, and it will be planted in the square you clicked. You can click on other squares to plant more of the same crop!


4. Click FINISH at the top when you’re done planting.


It costs 1 sun to plant 1 crop

How to Harvest Crops

Hover your mouse over any growing crop to see how much time is left.


You can see the crop grow progressively over time, until you can finally harvest it by (clicking on it) and get stars!


Unlike FarmVille, I don’t think your crops will rot if you leave it there too long, you can harvest them whenever you want.

It costs 1 sun to harvest 1 crop

What are suns? How do I get them?

As noted in yellow sticky notes, you need to collect suns to plant and harvest crops! (I dunno why you have to wait for suns to appear, shouldn’t it be a resource available at all times? Well, except for night. Wait. It’s like past midnight Fantage time, why is the sun still out??? K this makes no sense…)

Everyone can get suns for free, just look for these bright shiny things hovering around:


They are suns! To collect them, just hover your mouse over it. These suns will appear every 1 minute or so.

The fastest way to get suns is to leave your farm and come back later. Your sun bar fills up by itself. Another method is to help your friends harvest their crops (scroll down to “Visiting a Buddy’s Farm”).

There is an option to upgrade your Sun level, so you can store more sun at a time. I think this is pretty pointless, you get upgrades for free when you level up your Farm Level anyway, so don’t waste your ecoins!


Also! Whenever you reach the next Farm Level, your Suns bar will be filled all the way up for free!

Farm Level

You can check your Farm Level bar at the top.


Each time you fill the bar up all the way, you will level up your Farm as well as your Farm Medal in your ID Fone!


Benefits of leveling up your farm:

  • Your sun energy bar will be filled up all the way for free each time you level up
  • You can level up your Fantagian
  • You can unlock new crops that have higher profits
  • You can unlock new squares of land for free (the rocks on the ground will turn into a new square of land that you can plant on; hover your mouse over the rocks to see what level you need)

Make sure you don’t waste ecoins to unlock these rocks. Like I said, you can unlock them for free just by leveling up!

Visiting a Buddy’s Farm

Click on the heart on the top right corner.


HUGE TIP (thanks Cat!) : To access ANYONE’S farm, just click on their farm button on their ID Fone! Remember, you can access your buddies’ ID Fone by going to your Buddy List and clicking on their name. You will never run out of suns again! Just visit random peoples’ farms and help them out! 😀


Click on a buddy to visit their farm. The green number on the right tells you how many more times you can help your buddy. You can help them for a maximum of 3 times every day.


Each crop you help to harvest will earn you 1 sun! You can also click on crops that are not fully grown to speed up the time, you will also get a sun for this! If they do not have anything planted, then you cannot help them.


UPDATE 12/21/13: If someone harvested your crops, don’t be disappointed! They didn’t steal your EXP or stars, they will have been automatically added into your counter! In fact, be thankful, they saved you the trouble of wasting your suns to harvest them!! Thanks for this info, xxhemi.

To go back to your own farm, click on this button at the top of the screen


More tips

Notice this EXP thing on the catalogue (boxed in red)


What does this mean?? It took me a while to figure it out. It tells you how much you will level up your Farm Level once you harvest it!

This makes sense: the more expensive plants have higher EXP.

My favorite plant is the Rose plant, because it only takes 10 minutes to grow, you get a lot of stars, and the EXP is 6! You can unlock the Rose plant once you reach level 5.

DON’T plant the Carrots. They take 4 HOURS, and the EXP is only 4…!

I expect I will update this post a couple more times once I think of more stuff, but I hope this helped!

An overall tip for everything: Do NOT unlock anything for ecoins, such as new plants, more squares of land, more sun, etc. You can get ALL of this for free simply by leveling up. Don’t waste your ecoins!!

Update 12/21/13: If you have a lot of ecoins to spare, I recommend unlocking the orange tree. It gives a LOT of EXP, and you only have to harvest it once a day, so you don’t need a lot of suns.