❤ January 27, 2012 – April 6, 2015 ❤

☛ Blogging tips ☚

Last updated by MooMoo on 7/16/14: added tip #16

If you have questions about blogging, comment by clicking here instead. That page might already have the answer to your question!

These tips are all based on my opinion, it is pretty much everything I have done for this blog. I hope they will help you too1

1. Make your posts attractive to read

Use different colors, but not excessively, or it might look overwhelming. Just to emphasize important points

BoldItalics, Underline, etc. Use them to draw attention to certain points

Indent different sections of your post, so it isn’t all bunched up

Get to the point. Do not waste your words. People hate reading huge paragraphs, keep them to 1-4 sentences

BIG TITLES if you have more than one section to your post (e.g. 2 different contests)

Use pictures! One picture is worth a thousand words!

2. Google is your friend

Most people will use search engines when they want to know something. Use this to your advantage!

For example, let’s say you are posting a scavenger hunt, and one of the items is an apple. Would little kids type in “Location of the apple in the scavenger hunt” or “Where is the apple”? Obviously the second one, they DEMAND answers xD

So, you should always word your posts the way little kids would search for.

3. Tags Help Google

Tags can help Google find your blog even faster. For example, type in “Fantage free accounts” into Google. Hey, our blog comes up first! 😀

Notice that when you click on the result, it takes you to a tag on my blog, not a post. Yay for tags!

4. Copying and Copyrights

NEVER copy. If you copy even once, everyone will remember you as a dishonest, unoriginal person. Also, what is the point of having two copies of the same information? People visit different blogs for different stuff.

ALWAYS use copyrights. You never know when some wannabe is going to copy you, be prepared.

5. Be friendly

You never know, being mean to one person may come back and bite you in the behind one day, so as a general rule, try to be nice and positive always! Nobody likes to be friends with an arrogant, rude, or immature person.

6. Don’t get distracted

If you are a Fantage blogger, don’t post anything that doesn’t relate to Fantage. Kids visit your blog for updates, tips, and cheats, not for the story of how long your homework took you yesterday, or how in love you are with your crush.


7. Advertise on Fantage

When there is a scavenger hunt during an event on Fantage, there will be hundreds of people floating around aimlessly asking for help. Isn’t it so obvious to tell them your blog then, saying it has all the answers? That is, IF you have the answers. DON’T LIE!

However, as you probably already know, some words do not show on Fantage chat. For example, “fantageville” does not show, but “fantage” “ville” and “i love fantageville” do! (I dunno why…)

Click here for tips on making your words show

8. Hiring Workers

Don’t hire too many workers. One, updating Fantage does NOT need like 10 people to post. Two, workers do not count as viewers, so they do not help raise the number of hits. Just hire a maximum of 3 or so.

9. Race to be first

The more views a post/page on your site has, the earlier it will show up on Google search.

For example, a LOT of blogs have free Fantage accounts, so why does Fantageville’s Nonmember Accounts show up first?

Because that page has received more views than any other blog’s…! Of course, you can’t just magically make yours the most popular on Google.

Isn’t it logical that older posts have more views, since they have been around more? So, wouldn’t it make sense that the earlier you post about a Fantage event, the more views you will get for that page?

Basically, the tip is: be the first to post a Fantage event

A trick: post the day BEFORE the event is released, saying “________ Event has been released! Come back tomorrow for updates and help!”

10. It’s Background, not Frontground

The purpose of backgrounds is to create a soothing atmosphere for the viewer. It is NOT for attracting attention (that’s what your posts are supposed to do!!). When choosing a background, keep these things in mind:

1. Don’t choose a background that moves.

2. Don’t choose a background that has neon and/or bright colors. It may look cool to you, but personally, it makes me want to rip my eyes out.

3. Don’t make your background your Fantage avatar. That’s so unoriginal! Also, it’s too colorful.

4. You can make your background fit into the season. You can even match it to the holidays!

5. Change your background once in a while. People like to see new things.

6. Choose a background that is lightly colored. Dark colors makes the blog look very sinister and secretive. (Just a personal opinion)

Never thought how important your background was, huh?

11. lolz omg dat ish sho kewl OuO

Just… no. When posting, refrain from using horrid works like those above. You’re blogging, not texting. You can speak English, not make baby noises. Avoiding this style of talking gives you much more credibility, and people will look up at you with more admiration.

If you’re on Fantage and a fan approaches you, still try and maintain good grammar, even if everyone else is saying “i shoe want shoe you shoe hair shoe fun ouo o oi”. And remember to treat fans with respect too! Don’t call them peasants.


12. Short n’ Sweet

Long paragraphs are boring, and nobody likes to read them. If everything you are saying is important and you don’t have anything to take out, just break it up into smaller paragraphs, like I have done with this page.

13. Humor Us

After reading things on this page like “act professional” and “use correct grammar” you’re probably thinking I expect you to sound like a college professor.

NO WAY!! You can act mature AND be fun at the same time, which is exactly why you should add humor to your posts.

Everyone has their own style of humor. As long as you don’t make it sound like forced humor (e.g. telling cheesy jokes), it will lift everyone’s mood.

This is something I have tried out recently, and I find it’s a lot more fun for me too. Most importantly, it seems like you guys like to too.

 14. Play it Cool

We all have haters, whether we like it or not. But that doesn’t mean we should turn into a shameful cussing machine when they insult us. Let me tell you a story…

One time, when I was in a really full server, a lot of people recognized me, started crowding around me, and said “Wow! It’s princess_moomoo!” Then, this hater showed up and said mean things along the lines of “ur not famous” and “i hajte your blog”.

I ignored her (which is btw the best tactic), but then she got even more angry because she wasn’t getting any attention, so she started doing the thing that annoys Fantagians the most: COVERING UP AND MOVING ON TOP OF THEIR AVATAR.

I just moved away somewhere else, but she kept on moving in front of me and covering me up. So guess what I said?

“Oh hi there. You can be my bodyguard for today! Good bodyguard. Now stay. Keep covering me. Don’t leave. Good little bodyguard. I’m not paying you though.”

It was a pretty funny scene, fans stopped yelling at her and started laughing at her stupidity. I don’t think that hater girl understood my sarcasm, because she started acting all proud that she was my bodyguard, she even tried to add me as a friend LOLOL. I eventually broke it to her that I wasn’t serious and I would never add a hater as a friend.

The point is, instead of cussing down a hater, find something funny to say that humiliates them and makes them look foolish for hating you. Don’t try to reason with a hater or challenge them to a cussing fight, they will persist even though they know they’ve lost. It’s just a waste of time.

There is nothing a hater hates more than indifference and being humiliated, because when they type that hate comment, they expect drama, anger, and cussing. Don’t give them what they want. Laugh at them.

 15. Slow Down, Newbies

A LOT of you newbie bloggers have been coming to me, frantically asking “Why am I not getting hits! I have advertised everywhere, but nobody is coming to my blog! How do I get hits and followers fast??”

You are missing the point. The purpose of a blog is to help people, not to become famous. If you started a blog just to become famous, then change your views, or you will never be successful.

When I first started blogging, I never worried about hits. I focused on being as helpful as possible. The hits and followers just naturally came, eventually.

So stop obsessing over your hits widget and followers counter, IGNORE them. Instead, obsess over your posts and pages. Think of new creative ideas (never ever copy, see tip #4).

This is the same for veteran bloggers. You should know this by now, but if you don’t, here it is: Your purpose is to help people, NOT to act all superior and snobby. This is precisely why I never refer to myself as “famous” nor “popular.” It contradicts the entire point of being a blogger.

16. Explore WordPress – NEW!

A habit of mine is to explore settings, whether it be my phone, the computer, or online, because I want to see what cool things I can personalize and make the most out of it!

Doing this has done SO much for me, in terms of making this blog unique and pretty. Here are some examples.




Different Fonts

Capture Capture

Capture Capture


I discovered how to do the things above simply by looking around. So try it out, you may find something super amazing and cool too! WordPress is huge, there is so much that even I have yet to uncover.

A good place to start is Dashboard>Settings. Pay close attention to whether there’s an “Advanced Settings” button. That’s where all the good stuff is hiding, waiting to be found 😉

Once you’ve searched through the Dashboard Settings top to bottom, start exploring the WordPress help website, that’s how I learned how to do sticky notes and fonts! Here’s the link: en.support.wordpress.com

I promise you that, once you’ve returned from this “expedition,” you will have learned so many cool tricks to make your blog more unique 🙂


Comments on: "☛ Blogging tips ☚" (363)

  1. How do you change your cursor in a blog?


  2. How long does it take to have a few hits o your blog? I just started mine few weeks ago >.<


    • If you have just started, then it will take a while. After maybe a couple of months, it will begin to grow faster! It all takes patience. Don’t worry about hits right now, worry about making a good blog.


  3. How likely is it that a blog becomes famous? I have a friend who just made a blog and she expects it to be famous.
    Fantageville seems to be like the top of all blogs. It’s so neat and organized! My friends posts with a lot of chat speak (ex. u, ppl, lol, OUO)


  4. hehe, pinkstardust is a jerk!


  5. fantageeprincess said:

    princess moo moo so I started a new blog and visited others.I know how to do some stuff but how do you do the widget names like art gallery and stuff?How did you name it?And one more question.How did you do the stuff like how much hits you have that shows on you’re blog?Also how did you add other stuff ont he side bar?Please answer Im new and dont know how to do much.thxs 🙂


    • Those are called pages, you can add pages by going to Dashboard>Pages
      There is a hits widget that you can add by going to Dashboard>Appearance>Widgets
      You can get lots of answers to questions like these by going to the WordPress help site: en.support.wordpress.com


      • fantageeprincess said:

        thxs!I read all you’re blogging tips and It was really amazing!All you’re blogging tips worked!!!!!!THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!Also can you visit my sblog and sê if my site is okay and if I did the widgets right?thxxs! link—– fantageeprincess.wordpress.com



  6. fantageeprincess said:

    Hi princess moomoo or casey how do you get more views on wordpress for fantage blog?thxs for reading my question!


  7. OMG, I love your blog so much!I will also try to make a awsome blog! 🙂


  8. Lol it made me laugh when you said dont call your fans pesants AHEM PINKSTARDUST. But really good tips!


  9. I really wanna create my own blog because of these awesome tips but since I have school its hard to keep track and update it from time to time but besides my sister uses the computer 24/7 on tumblr…


  10. about the cursor thing for your blog can you use it for wordpress too? Or only blogspot? If so how can I put the cursor html on wordpress?


  11. Your blog is awesome! 🙂


  12. moo, moo. and cassey pls read this and then u can delete it
    *Hidden upon request*
    this person has copied so many blogs! and be aware shes very rude as well. well just see her home page and all the posts.


  13. Hi princess moomoo and Casey cow! I was thinking of creating a fantage blog, and since you guys are well respected fantage bloggers, I’d figure I’d ask your opinion first. I wanted to create a blog about other fantage blogs. (I would be grateful if you hid this part, after all, I wouldn’t want anybody to “borrow” my idea xD) After searching and looking at other blogs, I figured that there was ALOT of fantage blogs, which means, there’s tons of blogs about the latest events, free accounts and stuff, but that’s the problem, why would anyone go to my newbie, unpopular blog, when they can get the same exact event info. at a popular, and well respected one? (Like yours >U_<"
    ~From MusicFan ~(-__-)~


    • you must advertise. but not on our chat. XD


    • That would be a cool, unique idea! Just remember to always ask the bloggers’ permission before posting their stuff. You can make some sort of blog catalogue 🙂
      Everyone starts out as a newbie with no views, it just takes time. If you put effort into your blog and avoid worrying about hits, then people will visit naturally.


  14. ilovecandy123 said:

    What theme do you use?


  15. Oh my gosh, Ville Bills are so hard to find D:


  16. Hey guys whioch website are u using to make this blog?
    i find other ones dat are online VERY hard to control.
    which website did u start your blog???????


  17. superstargirl1 said:

    AARGH! Moomoo! Would you mind telling me how on EARTH you got your blog to show up on google? I dont know how to use tags… D: Could you message me or comment on my blog – fantagelolguide.wordpress.com


  18. izzybee152 said:

    How did you make the titles bigger? Like Short N Sweet and stuff.


  19. Thanks! I might be making my own blog soon. ^.^


  20. Princces Moo Moo, I have a question. I absolutely LOVED your idea of Ville Bills. I thought I would try something like that, but completely different. My Blog is called Fantage Pizzaz. (www.fantagepizzaz.wordpress.com) and I was thinking of doing something called Pizza Slices. Sort’ve like your idea. I decided to ask first before using to wonder if I am allowed. Please reply ASAP!

    ~One of your many fans,


  21. I dont know how to make a background, or a NEW PAGE. Or to even move the darn Web Pages, T,T


  22. Hey Princess Moo Moo, I want to do something like your “Fantage Paparazzi” section, but I don’t know how to make it different so that I don’t copy you


  23. moonshinezodiac said:

    Thank you so much! Mines is now called “Fantage Celebrity Interviews”


  24. Hai Princess_MooMoo!
    It’s me Hazel (March or candycane)
    I changed my name! Just to let you know
    but I have a question…… I’m confused on
    how to make sub-pages! So I need your help…
    If you can help me with that I would give a great Thanks!
    So I hope you can help me with that




  26. fantagegrace said:

    Hi PrincessMoomoo,
    I just started my own blog,and Im really confused.I tried googling but to no avail on this question.How do you divide your blogs into sections?Like for example you have Member under one section and Blogging tips on another,Please teach me!Thank you.


  27. Hello Princess_moomoo I wanted to know which theme did you use? If that’s okay with you?Thanks!


  28. I love the play it cool part! lol i wish i could’ve seen that


  29. Hi Princess Moo Moo
    I would like to know how you make the blogs into neat and clean sections such as there’s a section for non-member accounts and Fantage Paparazi and etc.I really need your help on this one because I’ve tried googling for the situation but to no avail.Think you can help me?Thank you!



    • Oh, those are just called pages! My theme, Spectrum, puts them in cute little boxes at the top, I’m guessing your theme puts it in a bar. Same thing really, they are all just pages.


  30. Wants to make a blog! said:

    how did you get your idfone on your blog?How can i get the copyright thingy? How do you get workers,like make them a actual co-worker or any other worker?


    • The ID Fone is an image widget, add widgets by going to Dashboard>Appearance>Widgets
      I add copyrights by editing them in Microsoft Powerpoint, but everyone has their own method.
      To add workers, go to Dashboard>Users>Invite New


  31. Stop saying pinkstardust is mean!Haters said:

    Huh?I don’t have windows.I have Lubuntu,another computer thingy..I love your blog too!


  32. Sorry about my name.I did another comment not that long ago.


  33. WHAT IS A URL??


  34. Sarena fantage said:

    hey i really love your blog and i didn’t know you were famouse but do you wanna meet on fantage? please?


  35. fantagegrace said:

    Hi moomoo,sorry to trouble you again,lol.But where do you get your theme from?


  36. Hi Moo moo,is it okay if I use the theme Spectrum for my blog too?


  37. Thank you for making this page! These tips are very useful 😛 😉 😎 :mrgreen:


  38. Hi Moo_moo!Could you teach me how you made your blog to have the FV thing beside the URL?Like how did you put it there?Thanks for anwsering my questions moo_moo!~Cookies


  39. Bookluver Girl said:

    Hai! I just made a blog a few days ( ok a week) ago. And I haven’t gottten ANY views. PLease help me! How long will it take for me to get 3 comments?


    • If you’re a newbie blogger, the best thing to do is never worry about hits or followers. I see newbie bloggers making this mistake ALL the time.
      Right now, worry about one thing: making a good blog. That’s what I did, I was never obsessed over hits. Once you focus on that, the hits will come by themselves.


  40. how do u add workers?


  41. i made a Facebook Page for Fantage cause i know Facebook better than WordPress. So, how do i get people to look at it? advertising a FB Page is harder cause not everyone has a FB? thanks!


  42. i dont hav a blog but thanks anyways.


  43. how do you make those snowflakey spots fall from the screen???


  44. Uhm… I’m pretty stupid… but… would you mind telling me how to.. uhm.. put those uh… you know… like you you have your fantage character ID pgones on the side of the blog, how to do that? Again… Stupid.


    • haha youre not stupid! what i did was add it to my media library thing in wordpress and get the link, but you can also use photobucket to get a link. then you go to appearance—->widgets on the sidebar and you add a ‘text’ or picture widget. then put the link in there and save it


  45. Ohhh and.. I really dont know.. how to…… get those drop down thingys you know like the ville bills any you have a menu? Yeah one of themm…. its so confusing!


  46. Hi Angela 😀 How do you like make the stickys on your posts?I rly want to know but no one seems to be rplying 😦


  47. Thank You so much for helping me! I was wondering, is it okay if I advertise your blog at my website/blog? You really helped me, and I wanted to show you my appreciating!


  48. You’ve got some great stuff on this blog and it’s obvious you’ve worked hard on it.
    The only thing is, I don’t know who pinkstardust is or what she has done, but I think you would do better to rise above naming and shaming her here.
    If she’s an awful person, don’t even give her the satisfaction of seeing her name in print!
    Just my opinion but I do think dissing her makes you appear less mature.


    • Very true…


      • Well, if you have never met her…
        And most of the times I mention her on this blog, it’s just for added humor.
        I agree with you though! It would be shameful and immature to make a page just to insult her. But I’ve only made allusions to her here and there to, like I said, add humor, because a LOT of people that read this blog have been bullied by her in the past, and mentioning her like this allows those people to sorta make a connection and laugh.
        Thanks for your comment!


  49. Hi Angela and Princess Moo Moo,
    I just wanted to ask, when did y’all start blogging? How old we’re y’all? (Yes, I’m a Texan! ;)) I just want to know, because I want to start a blog, but at a legal age. I understand if you don’t want to tell me how old you were.


    • Any age is a legal age to start blogging! The only reason I didn’t start earlier is because I didn’t know about blogging until then. I started when I was 13. But age doesn’t matter, if you really want to start blogging, go ahead!


  50. *Hidden*
    She literally COPIED AND PASTED this page!


    • It’s ok, I don’t really care that much, it kinda made me laugh though. I love how copiers always add the “don’t copy this I made it” line at the top of their page.
      I’ve commented, but I don’t care too much if she removes it or not, haha.
      Just make sure not to give her attention. Don’t post about her, that’s what she wants.


  51. Dear Princess_MooMoo and Casey,
    Someone has copied most of these things here onto there blog. Like literally copy and paste it. She is a new blogger though. Here is the link
    She has also copied Cat, and Cloudz82
    Cloud has made a post about it but I wanted to tell you in person. I hope you have a nice day!


    • Thanks for telling me! But, like I said in my other comment, I don’t really care, haha.
      Oh, and please tell cloud to not post about her, that is exactly what copiers want: attention. By posting about her, yes, you let everyone know she is a copier, but you’re just giving her hits by telling everyone to look and stuff.


  52. *Removed*


  53. Hi Princess_MooMoo and Angela.
    I have a few questions about blogging that I hope you won’t mind answering.
    How can I get people to comment on my blog? I’ve only gotten 3 comments and I started my blog 1 month ago.
    Can I put the copyright things on my page?
    How to like…. take a interview? Does it have to be someone famous? And like just HOW DO I DO IT???
    Thanks sooo much!


    • 1. Well you need viewers to comment, so try advertising around about your blog. See to the right type of people to follow your blog, too.
      2. Yes, but I don’t know what you are specifically talking about.
      3. If you want to get an interview, just ask them. Usually interviews are with the more popular or famous type of people because then people are more intrigued by their lives, but it doesn’t have to be. Just ask.


  54. Thanks so much! I’m making a blog right now! You can check it out if you want, the URL is: http://www.fantagetomatoes.wordpress.com
    Also I have a few questions: How do you get copyright on your page?
    And how do you get your xat chat box on the side bar?
    Btw, I am in love with your blog <333


  55. Oh my gosh It’s so amazing Not just getting blogging tip’s from a blogger but a Popular Person it’s so Awesome to be with this Chat<3


  56. How do you make your blog show when typing it up on google? Nothing happened because My blog is kittencookies.wordpress.com but when i type up Fantagekittencookies on google nothing shows up? Please tell me how to add tags!


  57. Hi Fantageville,
    Its me again, kittencookies. Anyway, HOW DO YOU PUT MORE THAN ONE POST ON A PAGE. 😦 It doesnt work. The little parent bar thingy isn’t there when you are posting something on a page and everything I post goes to the home page. 😦 Please help!
    So my question is:
    How do you put more than one post on each page?
    Please reply ASAP! 😦


  58. icypopper12 said:

    These tips are amazing! I just started my blog, but I probably should have read this first. I’ll follow your tips the next time I do a post! You’re amazing!


  59. Please someone reply, no one replied to me yet 😦
    How do you put more than one post on a page?


  60. How do you make a page that DOESN’T show up on the top of the blog?
    I’m not thinking about making one, it’s just that maybe someday I might need that ability…


  61. How do i get those things on top of my blog u know those menus like for example u put vintage gold hustory, how to level up… Those things on top of ur blog on right corner,lots of things how do u do it!


  62. You are so great at blogging, no wonder you have so many fans!! Pinkstardust sounds like a stuck-up-snob


  63. Sherri~berry said:

    Can ihave a link to make a fresh blog?


  64. The purpose of a blog is to help people, not to become famous< I started to blog so I could talk and not be bored.


  65. ashily1245 said:

    Hi Dear Princess_moomoo, and Casey_cow,
    I would just like to first of all say that I’m putting this comment here because it really didn’t go anywhere else. second of all you don’t have to approve this comment its just to tell you. Third of all I have been looking at your blog since about a year and a half ago. I was always fond of it loved it, because it helped my in fantage so much! I went on nearly every day and still do! I looked at you blogging tips, how to’s, and read almost every new post you guys came out with! To get to the point you blog was so inspiring to me I decided that I would make a blog I could call my own! I tried many things learned from my mistakes got good advice red about important rules to blogging and started going to work! I got backgrounds
    to match the seasons, my own copyright, and I even started to making my own personalized headers and the blogs own Facebook page! I started to put allot into the blog checking out your blog constantly for hints to make my blog better and it finally came to this point right now where I’m writing this to you! So If it would be alright for you guys to so generously take a look at the blog i was talking about here it is! > http://fantagegem.wordpress.com/
    That is it if it wouldn’t be to much to ask could you give me advice to fix it up or constructive criticism it you world.
    Thank You So Much
    ♥Ashily1245♥ 🙂


    • Thanks for this comment! Glad you were inspired by our blog [;
      I’ll check it out and comment on it.


      • Actually, I’ll just put it here. I can’t figure out how to comment on your blog, it’s so weird… there’s a comment box, but no comment button. You might want to fix that.
        Hi, you commented on my blog a while ago, asking for constructive criticism. I just got to moderating our comments today.
        1. I really love your background! It fits the season, and it matches so well with the rest of your blog.
        2. Header is really pretty as well! You seem to have a very good taste in art.
        3. One small thing, your page for Fantage Events is titled “Fanatge Events,” you might want to fix that.
        4. I’ve never seen this type of comment box before, where you can comment on the first page without clicking on the post. Only problem is, I don’t see a “comment”button, there’s only a text box. Actually, now that I check it, I can’t comment at all!
        5. Another small thing, you have 2 “About” pages, not sure if that’s intentional
        6. For updating Fantage events, you might want to consider making a separate post for each event, like I do. This way, your viewers will be notified of when you make a new event post.


  66. How do you add images do your blog on the Widgets thingy? I just wanted to add a pic of my on Fantage (If it’s alright with you, since I will be pretty much copying you, except my own ID Fone.), and I wanted to put a DO NOT COPY thing-a-mijiger


  67. Ugh, and I just remembered,
    How do you put the fantageville copyrights thingy?
    I’m SO sorry that I didn’t put this on my last post.
    I think I comment a bit to much…


  68. Bellosnowy said:

    Awesome tips! I love about the story when the hater was your bodyguard! xD


  69. Princess_MooMoo,
    I’m not that new anymore but I still have some troubles with HTMLs
    Like, I wanna do a post it or something like you do, red, green, blue, etc.
    If it’s okay with you.
    I don’t know how to do that so… Could you help me with that?
    If so, thanks!
    Take care! (:


  70. Hey Moomoo,
    I do the screenshot and paste it on paint, and I want to put that picture on wordpress for my blog, but how to I do that?


    • Save the picture on paint to your computer. Then edit the post or page you want to put the picture on. There should be a button that says “Add Media”, so click that and import your picture from your computer onto your blog.


  71. WAIT.. I actually screenshoted it and put it on paint and DID NOT save it as a picture, just a document thing, so it won’y let me. How do I save this as a picture?


  72. Thanks! It really helped


  73. And also, what about the anniversary collage? I’m really keen to see it!


  74. LOL OK. I’m really looking forward to it!


  75. Hmm… strange…. I made a blog with my friend and two minutes after the first post we already had 6 views. We were very suprised, but we were happy….. 🙂


  76. how do u add the copyright thing???


  77. fairycari said:

    how do u change colors for the font on a page?


  78. owo means :3!!
    LOL I just found out ^_^ no it was my genius brain


  79. Anonymous said:

    My name is mikaylab3 on fantage


  80. taylor4711 said:

    how do I make a post sticky?


  81. OK, I have 2 questions.
    1. How do you put stuff on the side. e.g your staff.
    2. I can’t get XAT to load! Yes, I do have adobe, BUT IT CAN’T LOAD! It worked like, 1 month ago… It doesn’t work on the main page too!


  82. How do I change the backgrounds? I go to dashboard, appearance then customize. I do it and I save. I reload the page, wait for 5 minutes and it is still the same???


  83. this is cool info. i want start a fun game blog but i need work more on my writing. maybe should hire workers.


  84. how do you add a backround? (i know i was mean before but that was driven by a whole lot of stuff that isn’t computer related, so can we PLEASE put that behind?)


    • Then remove all those insulting comments. Sad that you expect me to “put that behind” and help you after you said all of that.


    • You ACTUALLY think I wouldn’t hold a grudge, after you said edited my Wiki page to WRITE crap about me, commented on the Wiki page to TALK crap about me, and called me “royal pain,” and the owner of a “joke blog” (which funnily enough is a million times more viewed than yours)??? And then you message me like you’re my friend and talk to me as if it never happened, thinking I wouldn’t find out who you are??


  85. mqquendes said:

    I want to start a new blog, but I have no clue what to name it 😦
    Any ideas please 🙂

    Mqquendes 


  86. mqquendes said:

    Sorry for a second post but…
    I was wondering if there was a WordPress app? It’s been nagging and I was just wondering if there was.

    Thanks Again,
    Mqquendes 


  87. Can you give me tips about my blog? Like, how to improve? Thanks!


  88. jjblue2003 said:

    Hi, I have a question…How do I change the color of my text? I was making a page on my WordPress blog, and I just can’t seem to find that button!!


  89. mqquendes said:

    Hi (again)

    So I was wondering how you link a link (haha). I managed to paste the link (it works fine) but I want it to say the title and when you click on the title it takes you to the link. Any help?

    Mqquendes 


  90. princess_mow_mow said:

    You copier. T^T


  91. princess_mow_mow said:

    Idon’t understand why ppl like u.


  92. I have just created a new blog but nobody knows about it! I know its not about how famous it is but to help people, but i can help people unless they see my blog. What should i do? You can look at my website here: http://fantagepanda.weebly.com. Thanks!


  93. Whenever i type up my blogs name it never comes up even though its the only website called fantage jellycakes. I have put in loads of key words but it still never comes up. Whats wrong with it why is it not working?


  94. I think having another person posting on my blog would make it better, but people don’t usually go on my blog much, it’s new and it’s not like I can just ask random people to work there. Do I just wait for someone to want to work there or something?


  95. Just curious, I’ve seen a lot of tour red, green, blue, or yellow boxes at either the end or beginning of your posts. How do you put them there? Is it a sticky note or something?


  96. Hi! I just started my website last month. If it doesn’t take too much time, could you please look it over and give some tips? Thanks so much! And if I have something that another blog has already, can you please tell me? I try to make my ideas as original as possible. Thanks again!

    PS: Your blog is soooooo useful! Thanks for helping me so much on Fantage!


  97. I started a blog about 3 weekes ago and have been getting about 30 viewers a day. But what I don’t understand how to do is to get it to show up on google or do the tags thing. If I search up “Destination Fantage” on google, it doesn’t even show up! Do you have to post things on google, or do they just show up? Please reply to the comment, I want people to look at my blog and also, your a big inspiration to me!!! Your blog is what gave me the idea to start my own fantage blog (please don’t think I’m copying you. I would never do that. just trying to help people by using a blog, like you!)

    My username on fantage is claudiacool5


    • It should automatically show up on Google. Unless you changed your blog setting so that you are unable to search it up on search engines…
      But like if you want to be at the top of the list when you type in “Fantage” on Google, you legit have to be like the most popular blog on the web.


  98. how do you put youtube videos on


  99. Lizardgirl8 said:

    Please delete all my messages even this one plz I’m sorry


  100. sombody corrct dish coment plz I relly nead help whith mi grammerz.


  101. math10000 said:

    If you found out that somebody copied you, what do you do?

    (I might start a blog soon…)


  102. awesome_fantagian said:

    How old do you have to be to have a blog?


  103. ッ♫♥.jεηηγ.ιs.αωεsοме.♥♫ッ said:

    Pinkstardust copied me ;(


  104. This is sort of stupid but how do you get all the tab thingys to the side?


    • Tab things? You mean the widgets on the right side of the blog? Like the follow us button, the about the authors thing, and like the blog stats? Just go to your dashboard and go to appearance–>widgets and you can all sorts of fun widgets to add to your blog. 🙂


  105. Hello Princess Moo moo!! I actually just recently found out about your blog! (I’m really behind -__-) I also just recently made a blog called fantagesmileyselena.wordpress.com! I used many of your tips and they helped a lot. Thank you so much! If you have time would you maybe check it out? thanks again 🙂


  106. On the dashboard, there is a sidebar on the left side that is dark grey. The fourth choice from the bottom is appearance.


  107. HI! Is it ok if I do the same theme as you?


  108. You wrote, ‘I hope they will help you too1’
    Not ‘I hope they will help you too!’!
    Hope you fix that, Moomoo c:


  109. What’s a good pro blog name?
    (for e.g fantage ville c;)


  110. pannda27 said:

    How do you change the font color in a post? Like when Angela posts one and MooMoo says that her thoughts are in purple. How do change it just for that post? Help please and thanks! 😉


  111. mimiiiluvu said:

    What template did you use for your blog?


  112. Fantage Ville omg
    you guys are so pro you deserve a fantage memory
    fantage you need to make a grave in the nest 500 years of a fabu girl called MooMoo with ms. angela.

    no i cant express my feelings
    i know! *light bulb*


  113. What template/theme do you use?
    I really like yours and im trying to find one similar to it:/


  114. I hate owo too its supposed to be this face but no one can squiggle their mouth like that ANYONE AGREE?


  115. I’ve been blogging for a month now and still haven’t got any comments (well I did have like one or two but I had to delete that page anyway) it even says I got 368 views this month on my blog stats,but I kinda struggle to believe that….I use a website called weebly to make my blog, not wordpress (wordpress is WAY to confusing for me.) Do wordpress blogs get shown more higher up on the google page?


  116. Oh, and how come some of my older posts show up before my newer ones? LIke if you searched up my blog it’d come up with my mall instead of fireworks festival.


  117. Hey 😀 I want my blog to become famous, not like yours. i don’t ever think it will be but I want lots of hits and views. I haven’t got any yet. i have been advertising for a long time.. My blog is http://fantagemustachioss.wordpress.com/
    Please look at it 🙂 how do I make my blog become more like yours?
    Please help c:


  118. I still have no views moo moo, can you have a look at my blog and tell me what’s wrong? Here’s the link: fantagewardrobe.weebly.com. I’ve seen a lot of blogs, and they all have heaps of comments. I only have one, which i’m still convinced i may have sleepwalked and wrote it 😀


  119. ohemgee.
    Thank yew ouo I read this a week or two ago and forgot to comment. So yah.
    I just wanna tell yew that this really helped me out >w< And when I first saw your blog, I got inspired to make my own.


  120. I think this is the best blog ever!(Sorry for other blogs.)
    I think this blog is bigger then fantage’s youtube channel and fantage’s blog!


  121. Also I can’t change my background!I click customize and then I click done.I save a then check on my blog.The background doesn’t change!


  122. (Spits cereal out like Cereal guy) OMG PRINCESS MOOMOO! I found a blog that copied yours! http://fantagevillie.weebly.com/ I was with my friend and I told her about Fantageville (She’s a beginner on Fantage) and while she was typing it in on Google she accidentally typed “Fantagevillie” and we clicked the wrong thing, we looked through it, it copied your blog 😥


  123. pannda27 said:

    How do you add a new worker? Nothing on Google is helping me…


  124. ღ๖̶̶ۣ۪ۜ۫๖ۣۜζ͜͡Angie~chaℓ͜͡n♥ said:

    Thanks for the tips they helped alot!


  125. what do you search for your backgrounds?


  126. Hey guys! you can create a banner using PicMonkey. but to get all the membership stuff click on this link
    you get to be a royal for a DAY!
    (you may need to copy and paste the link.)


  127. How do i make my blogger blog popular? It’s a nekodancer blog and not much of them are made yet (besides the ones that are in spanish).


  128. Omg. I got 154 page views on August the 6th 😮


  129. Fireflame1313 said:

    I have a blog and it’s been going for about 5 months now, and has gotten over 1,100 views. No one has ever left a comment on my blog. Ever. Is this unusual? When did people start commenting on your blog?


  130. This might be a dumb question (Sorry i’m horrible with computers) But If your blog doesn’t show up on Google how will people find it? Again sorry if this is a dumb question.


  131. Omigawd, I am so dumbb Dx
    I cannot find sticky notes ANYWHERE! And I am pretty sure I searched everything I could think of Dx
    I officially know that they AREN’T called sticky notes but they do look em!
    Sticky notes/post are the things that stay on your front page 4 as long as you want.
    Ugh 😦 I am soon gonna give up! But I don’t want to! I just wanna liveeeeee 😦
    Lol, Aprsept, please please please tell me, at least what they are actually called. Or the actual page I can find how to do them on D:
    ♥ Fantage~Ivy


  132. Moo moo please help me! I just started a blog and wanted to know what theme you are using and how to get a free backround on wordpress, please and thank you! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Since MooMoo isn’t here- maybe I can help you?
      Moomoo is using Spectrum theme. To get a free background, first go to google and select your image- I mean, save your image that you want as a background. Go to Dashboard>Appearance>Background. Click ‘Choose file’ and then upload your image that you want as a background. I hope I helped you? 🙂 Lol, I know I’m not MooMoo, but since she isn’t here- I thought I would help you.. Good luck…


  133. Ello Mate, Well, i was wondering if you guys could do me a favor…. I’m Hosting A Fantage Youtuber Awards and i was wondering, i can’t make a poll for the voting section so could you guys make one for me? i cant make a blog, sadly, BUT i will credit and give you guys a prize from group B,C, or D :3 G’bye (My Youtube Is Sherla Fantage)
    You Can Call Me Cher For Short :3
    ~G’bye Mates!


  134. How do you put a certain post on a certain page?
    Sorry I’m new to WordPress. 🙂


  135. Hi! These tips were really helpful but I have no idea how to come up with a good name, I really don’t want to copy anyone and i was wondering how you came up with your blog name


  136. You’re right about the viewers coming naturally. I used to be a blog owner back then, then I stopped blogging when the virtual game I blogged about is closed down. I took a visit a few months after then I noticed in a chat box I installed was filled with many people saying “blogwalking”. So it’s true 😀


  137. Umm, this is embarrassing buuuuut I really don’t know how to change my font… Please tell me it’s just in a sneaky place and I’m not a complete baka… I JUST CAN’T FIND IT (;^;)


  138. Keyblade Hunter said:

    I have 1 question,

    How do we make banners? I always wanted to do some banners to advertise my blog, but I don’t know how to make it! I have 1 that I really don’t like, basically, I need a website to help me make a banner, do you know any sites?


  139. polleeawesome said:

    I’m really excited for you to come back…
    I’ve decided to start blogging again and I’m feeling really lonely, so it will be nice to have a friend again.


  140. Have some one wattpad?


  141. How do you change the theme?


  142. Thank you so much!! This helped me a lot, but only one thing… I have a blog on Tumblr… and idk how to do attach links that lead to pages and tutorial. Could you perhaps help me?? I haven’t posted anything yet you can view it if you want.


  143. Hai moo moo! I just LOVE your blog. Can you please tell me how to get your blog to show up a lot on google like the example you gave us??? Like how do you add tags? I use tumblr, so it might be a little different. Thanks!!

    Liked by 1 person

  144. Giggles926 said:

    Hi im new to blogs and I was thinking of making my own blog but im wondering which blog type should I use? Blogger, wordpress, or weebly? Im really confused on which is the best blog designer


  145. Lovely Fantage said:

    how do you get xat and the map w/ the ppl on your blog, i tried but cant


  146. Kiosk 36-A7 has minimum priced items! Amazing! I just got blonde BB for barely ANY gold!

    Liked by 1 person

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